Download read me file.

Xx Binno xX

New Member
When I download the presets I get this read me first notebook thing and it says when I program my viking it says to upload that file to update the chip, I don't understand how everytime I try to load that file on my controller I get and error and the HID bootloader closes. Just wondering if I can get any help.


New Member
When i get the readme book after downloading a preset, i drag the code to my desktop (the code will be the middle of the three choices) and then once in HID Bootloader, when i click 'Open HEX File' i go to desktop and open the code that was dragged to desktop.

I think this is what you need help with?


Active Member
Binno you don't have to worry about that. Because the board inside of your controller is the CG1. Also the read-me text, is just that, a read me. So you would have to read it. All it says in a nut-shell for people to check the "allow configure word" box on the HID boot-loader. The reason for doing that is for people who have either the Matrix board or the new CG2 board because both of those boards do not have a switchable PS. Also Binno your controller already has the MW2 pre-set on it.

Did you have trouble getting your controller into programming mode??