Duo- Is Reassembly Easy?

o KxR Khaos o

New Member
I'm thinking about Painting Tiger stripes on my Duo after i buy it. Is Dis-assembling and Re-assembling the duo easy? If not can someone make a video tutorial on how? All I'm worried about is getting the tact. switches back in. And yes i have a T9-T10 Screwdriver. And What Shell do you recommend as a base for the tiger stripes? Would Black work?


New Member
o KxR Khaos o said:
I'm thinking about Painting Tiger stripes on my Duo after i buy it. Is Dis-assembling and Re-assembling the duo easy? If not can someone make a video tutorial on how? All I'm worried about is getting the tact. switches back in. And yes i have a T9-T10 Screwdriver. And What Shell do you recommend as a base for the tiger stripes? Would Black work?

Well you will have to desolder the tact switches and 3.5mm jack, if you have that option. You need to do this carefully or risk tearing things out, and that's never good. Also you would need to remove the tact switches from the shell before painting. They are usually just hot glued in. As for the painting I do not know, maybe one of the guys with painting skills will chime in.

o KxR Khaos o

New Member
I'll Just not paint it if its that much of a hassle. Or if someone made a video tutorial on taking the shell off the duo I'd Appreciate it.


New Member
o KxR Khaos o said:
I'll Just not paint it if its that much of a hassle. Or if someone made a video tutorial on taking the shell off the duo I'd Appreciate it.

Like I said, buy a controller without the green at the top, paint it, send it in to Fredrow to get modded, boom.

It's cheaper for you in the end as well.

o KxR Khaos o

New Member
Paul said:
o KxR Khaos o said:
I'll Just not paint it if its that much of a hassle. Or if someone made a video tutorial on taking the shell off the duo I'd Appreciate it.

Like I said, buy a controller without the green at the top, paint it, send it in to Fredrow to get modded, boom.

It's cheaper for you in the end as well.
That's might be what I'm going to do, But what i just remembered is that after i paint it I'll have to wait for the paint to cure :cry: Which takes about a week and then another 3 days for Fredrow to receive it, Then another week till i get it back. So I'm thinking about if the looks are worth the wait. And BTW I'm planning on receiving the the controller before spring break so i can mess around with it :) . So I IDK is Look important or should i just care more about the function of the controller.


New Member
o KxR Khaos o said:
Paul said:
[quote="o KxR Khaos o":d3p4px6o]I'll Just not paint it if its that much of a hassle. Or if someone made a video tutorial on taking the shell off the duo I'd Appreciate it.

Like I said, buy a controller without the green at the top, paint it, send it in to Fredrow to get modded, boom.

It's cheaper for you in the end as well.
That's might be what I'm going to do, But what i just remembered is that after i paint it I'll have to wait for the paint to cure :cry: Which takes about a week and then another 3 days for Fredrow to receive it, Then another week till i get it back. So I'm thinking about if the looks are worth the wait. And BTW I'm planning on receiving the the controller before spring break so i can mess around with it :) . So I IDK is Look important or should i just care more about the function of the controller.[/quote:d3p4px6o]

When's your spring break?

I personally wait only 6 days for it to cure.


New Member
o KxR Khaos o said:
Starts the 29th Ends the 5th =[


Well, if you buy a controller today and start painting it today, it would probably be done by the 29th.

So IDK, it's your choice.