Finally OCed my CPU


New Member
So I have had an i7-2600k for a while now and never bothered to overclock it. I didn't know how my temps would be since my AC was on the fritz and I am running on air but I managed to keep them pretty tame.

I am officially running 4.2GHz @ 66°C under a full load. :-D

I could push it further but I am going with the "better safe than sorry" approach on this one. I would rather have water cooling before I get too wild.


Nice... I'm running the 6 core black edition AMD, stock is 3.2 and supposedly 4.5 is possible on good aircooling... I havn't bothered OCing though because I have never hit over 50% in general ussage, so I figured why strain my processor?


New Member
I had to bump up the voltage just a tad. It started freezing on me a little after about 6 hours. I am still at the 4.3ghz mark and around 65 degrees. Under normal use I am not getting any real strain. I mean it still throttles down and only uses a single core unless I need processing power anyway. I am about to hop on BC2 later tonight and put it through it's paces. I am almost 100% sure the OC is stable this time but I won't be certain until I push it.