Having 2 Problems. Please Help

Ok so my names Joey, this is my 5th modded controller since January, None of them compare to the Odins Raven i just bought 5 days before the new Website came out with the new Viking controller, which i will be getting october 1st. (Yea i know ive been waisting money lol) ANYWAY to the topic, 1st i know how to set up everything thanks to the forum! but when i use custom speed 27.40 or the mw2 preset speed when using akimbo guns, only the Right gun shoots, The Left one shoots 1 bullet and stops. now if i put akimbo mode on they both shoot but i want to use the Drop Shot button. so how do you guys fix this? also topic #2 is pretty often my Right Analog Stick, not even moving it, will slightly turn to the left, very slightly, I noticed it when i was playing when im running my guy would be going to the left a little bit, and can definetly see it when i stop moving, now this only happens when i start moving to the left, as if i move to the right everythings fine. Thank you Please Help. By the way my XboxLive Gamertag is my UserName.


Active Member
x R 3 L 4 P 5 3 said:
Ok so my names Joey, this is my 5th modded controller since January, None of them compare to the Odins Raven i just bought 5 days before the new Website came out with the new Viking controller, which i will be getting october 1st. (Yea i know ive been waisting money lol) ANYWAY to the topic, 1st i know how to set up everything thanks to the forum! but when i use custom speed 27.40 or the mw2 preset speed when using akimbo guns, only the Right gun shoots, The Left one shoots 1 bullet and stops. now if i put akimbo mode on they both shoot but i want to use the Drop Shot button. so how do you guys fix this? also topic #2 is pretty often my Right Analog Stick, not even moving it, will slightly turn to the left, very slightly, I noticed it when i was playing when im running my guy would be going to the left a little bit, and can definetly see it when i stop moving, now this only happens when i start moving to the left, as if i move to the right everythings fine. Thank you Please Help. By the way my XboxLive Gamertag is my UserName.
you cant use akimbo mode,rapid fire,and drop shot all at the same time.
Yes i know that. i dont want to use Akimbo Mode, i want to use the dropshot with the rapid fire, but when i use akimbo weapons it only shoots out of 1 gun. is that normal?


Active Member
x R 3 L 4 P 5 3 said:
Yes i know that. i dont want to use Akimbo Mode, i want to use the dropshot with the rapid fire, but when i use akimbo weapons it only shoots out of 1 gun. is that normal?
thats because its single trigger rapid fire...the left trigger without akimbo mode acts stock.
Ok so only way you can have rapid fire on both akimbo weapons is having the Akimbo Mod on. So basically i got to make my choice between akimbo mode and Drop Shot. But when the Viking comes out i can have both =)

Yes. Also there are a lot of requests to add something like a 'third slot' to the custom hex editor. I don't think we'll do that, but we will look into allowing you to 'double pick' some of the features on the second slot. (like instead of picking akimbo from the dropdown, you pick akimbo+rapidfire from the dropdown)

Akimbo mode technically just mimicks the left trigger on the right trigger, so if you don't have rapidfire turned on it'll just mimic it i.e. a single shot at a time.


Active Member
x R 3 L 4 P 5 3 said:
[quote="x R 3 L 4 P 5 3":aturyc9k]Yes i know that. i dont want to use Akimbo Mode, i want to use the dropshot with the rapid fire, but when i use akimbo weapons it only shoots out of 1 gun. is that normal?
thats because its single trigger rapid fire...the left trigger without akimbo mode acts stock.

Ok so only way you can have rapid fire on both akimbo weapons is having the Akimbo Mod on. So basically i got to make my choice between akimbo mode and Drop Shot. But when the Viking comes out i can have both =)[/quote:aturyc9k]you could play on tactical. thats what i play on