Headset Problem


New Member
I searched around and didn't see another topic out there, so I'll make it. Firstly, I'd like to say that I am simply amazed at the detail put into the viking controllers. Now, here's my problem; I recently programmed my Odin's Raven, after running the pre-program for awhile. After this, it worked tremendous, although.. when I plug in my headset (Tritton AX180), the talk back doesn't work. So I thought, no problem.. and plugged in my plug and play to give it more power, but it still didn't work. To see if this was the mod causing it, I turned off both bottom LEDs (both modes), but still.. no luck. Lastly, I tried using it on a different controller: success! So I figure, it must be this controller. I know that chrome cases cause some of the problems with other's headset, but I don't have one. My viking 360 specifications: Odin's Raven (Black + Red LEDs + Black PS3 Analogs + 3.5mm Jack). Although, I have a few wireless headsets that work perfectly, I was just wondering if this was a known problem, or am I doing something wrong? I'm going to have my friend bring his Odin's Raven over today, and test it while hes over; I'll let you know how it goes. But in the mean time, any help?


New Member
crap another tarheels story.... i have only heard of one other case like this and i am still not sure what is wrong check the forums their is a post that has to deal with the same things.


New Member
I'm not sure what "tarheel" means, but according the the urban dictionary, you're trying to insult me. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend anyone here, I'm simply asking for help on my problem. Anyways, he came over and every headset worked on his Odin's Raven (except my Tritton AX180). This is strange, but I tried both of my talk back cords (I got a replacement), and my Turtle Beache's puck talk back cord, but nothing seems to work. Anyways, I'm in no big rush to get it fixed, but it would be nice. Oh, and about searching the forums; I searched around before I made this thread, and couldn't find anything related.. but I'll be glad to look again, thanks for the reply.


Useful Poster
No he wasnt really trying to insult you. he just didnt want this thread to be like the last one about headsets. there was this guy with the name tarheals and he complained and was a complete dick about his headsets not working with his controller. his headsets were about as physically broken as you could ever think of(not electronically broken) and tarheels was a jerk that kept trying to get his money back and started being nice when he wanted something. you are nothing like tarheels. you came into this forum like someone should. not saying the product sucks, but explaining your problems and hoping someone will fix them.

try opening a support ticket and tell exactly what happens with your headsets, and im sure odingalt can get it working, or he might make you send in your controller and headsets to get them working. good luck


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Tarheels is one of the blassic cases of customers trying to scam us. Attached are pictures of the turtle beach headphones that he claimed 'worked with other controllers, but not with the Viking controller'... The two customers in our forums that made the biggest and loudest complaints in our forums, tarheels and justarock, both turned out that they broke their own equipment and figured if they would cry and scream and throw a big temper tantrum long enough we would replace their hardware at our expense...

the pictures explain themselves...

We are willing to troubleshoot your problem in our shop, but:

1.) you pay to ship the controller and headphones to our shop.
2.) yes, you must ship the exact headphones that are giving you troubles to our shop.
3.) please F.F.S., do not send us a trashed pair of headphones and expect us to magically make the problem go away (see pictures)

Our tolerance is now zero for customers trying to pull scams. We started charging customers for repairs two weeks ago, when people send us stuff that they've obviously broken. We used to just look the other way and make the repairs, but it got out of hand. One guy got his stuff repaired for free, then he tells his budyd, pretty soon everybody is body-slamming their controllers on the hard concrete basement floor and sending them in hoping for free repairs or free upgrades.


Active Member
iNs4nItY said:
wow looks like somebody had a little temper tantrum
I have had things piss me off in games but I would NEVER A. Throw my Viking B. Throw my tritton/turtle beaches. That's just a waist of money....however my old xbox 360 controller that wore out I wipped at a dumpster....lol


New Member
To answer your question, my Tritton AX180s are about a month old now, and I keep all of my things in great condition, especially electronics. As for my Trittons, I could pass them off for new. But as for getting it fixed on the controller, It's not the biggest problem in the world right now, but when I get some extra money; I'll be sure to send them in. But as I said, I have 2 Wireless Headsets, 2 Xbox Headsets (1 with the Elite, 1 with the new Xbox S), and my Turtle Beaches X1 still works. As for Tarheel, sorry I misinterpreted, and I understand how people could be angry with him. Anyways, thanks for the help.. I'll be sure to send them in when I have time and money. By the way, 1 last question: Does anyone else have this problem (Same model of Trittons (AX180) and Odin's Raven), and is it normal for it to do this, or should it work?


Active Member
Awfulz said:
To answer your question, my Tritton AX180s are about a month old now, and I keep all of my things in great condition, especially electronics. As for my Trittons, I could pass them off for new. But as for getting it fixed on the controller, It's not the biggest problem in the world right now, but when I get some extra money; I'll be sure to send them in. But as I said, I have 2 Wireless Headsets, 2 Xbox Headsets (1 with the Elite, 1 with the new Xbox S), and my Turtle Beaches X1 still works. As for Tarheel, sorry I misinterpreted, and I understand how people could be angry with him. Anyways, thanks for the help.. I'll be sure to send them in when I have time and money. By the way, 1 last question: Does anyone else have this problem (Same model of Trittons (AX180) and Odin's Raven), and is it normal for it to do this, or should it work?
try going back to a pre programed mod


New Member

These are my Trittons, perfect condition as I bought them, and called them to get a back-up of every wire (a few weeks ago). I might just get some Astro A40s. What's better for the money?: Tritton AX720, Turtle Beach X41, or Astro A40. Note; I know It's hard to see, but I had my ceiling fan's light on, my triple lamp on, and my camera light.