Help me!!!!!!


New Member
guys some soda spilled on my controller but i quickly cleaned it off but now any button i push hits the RB bumper button and im not sure whats goin on but im in need of serious help plz get back at me as soon as possible


Useful Poster
You have some sort of short most likely. Go ahead and open a support ticket. Your controller definitely won't be under warranty anymore, but talking to Odin through support tickets is your best line of action.


Active Member
You have some sort of short most likely. Go ahead and open a support ticket. Your controller definitely won't be under warranty anymore, but talking to Odin through support tickets is your best line of action.

What about me??? LOL.....


ModdingBros Leader
Im pretty sure he has the macro but thats a bummer man. I hope you can get it figured out with odin.


Active Member
Did you open up the controller? If you did, you voided the warranty and Viking360 will not repair it. Fredrow may be able to.

modded matt

Active Member
regardless, if its open or not, your controller is not defective, you broke it by spilling soad on it. soad like other liquids, will not magicly crossor pinch a wire, soda/liquid frys the electrical compnants. 90% chance your controller is a paper weight. take it apart and hope it drys out. Learn to be more careful.

I am not trying to be mean, just saying.


Active Member
Another thing I wanna add to this for people that may not know this already; if you spill liquid on any ELEC device "TURN IT OFF, ASAP" doing this might just save you from total destruction.....


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It's going to cost a lot to clean the controller and possible even replace the mod if it can't be salvaged. Hard to say but the repairs are going to cost you shipping both ways and labor :-x


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It's going to cost a lot to clean the controller and possible even replace the mod if it can't be salvaged. Hard to say but the repairs are going to cost you shipping both ways and labor and possibly parts. Honestly if it ends up needing parts replaced it would be cheaper to just buy a new one.