How do you loop a macro


New Member
Is it possible to loop a macro like the rapid fire macro in the library but instead of a trigger you would rapid fire a button. I cant seem to figure this out. I am trying to create a macro for auto sprint in GTA although I can get the macro recorded. He only runs for as long as the recording and then I have to press the macro button again. Is it possible to create a macro like rapid fire that constantly presses the a button ?


Active Member
We are currently awaiting an update to add more macro looping options. At any rate, you can loop a macro by holding the button down as long as the macro begins after 0.1. I believe your best option would be to put sprint on a tac switch. Make sure the macro starts after 0.1.


New Member
"At any rate, you can loop a macro by holding the button down as long as the macro begins after 0.1" So as long as I have the macro after 0.1 on the timeline editor it will loop while holding the button or does this just apply to tac switches and triggers ?


Active Member
I think just tac switches + triggers. You can try on buttons though (such as A, B, etc). I'm not 100% sure - I had issues when I wanted B to keep pressing B by me holding it. After the update that will change I believe.


Actually I beleive that's just about the only thing the viking chip can't do... Holding down the button overrides what the chip is trying to tell the controller, so you can't rapidfire the face buttons by holding them down.