Hybrid Rapidfire


New Member
not sure if anyone else has noticed or not but is it possible to run rapid fire PLUS the hybrid Rapidfire mod? tried today and only could run one or the other


ModdingBros Representative
The first two hybrid modes run on rapidfire already and mode 3 is ran as normal full auto. The RF speed isnt going to change any way the weapon fires. The zoom in & zoom out timming is what creats the fast shots per second. So even if u could increase or decrease the RF on this glitch it wouldent change anything. But to awnser your question simply no u cannot turn on RF the same time as this new mode. Just remember what i origionally said modes 1 & 2 already run off a pre programmed rapid fire, mode 3 runs off a normal full trigger pull (automatic fire).


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The answer is no.

But if you need rapidfire, you can switch to it super quick, just hold mod switch + tap your fire weapon button and viola, you are in rapidfire.

Need to go back to hybrid rapidfire? No problem, hold mod switch + hold throw lethal + tap your fire weapon button.

Once you get some practice and build up your muscle memory you will be switching back and forth without even thinking about it.