
i try to download the halo driver but i got a message on my computer saying the software has malfuncioned or windows can not understand it or nothing happens at all and now my right trigger wont work at all someone please help me or teel me wat i did wrong or give me instructions


driver problems

Every Time I Go To Flash it , iT Goes to first player not flashing mode. Then it Says " One Of the usb devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned and windows does not recogize it" I Sent it in to get? fixed but it stil doesnt work. What should I Do?? and i bought it off of viking 360 for 250 dollars and 2 of my buttons dont work, have i wasted my money ?

modded matt

Active Member
everything you download from this site is a ziped file. BUT its not just zipped, its highly compressed into a ".rar" file type. windows software will not be able to open it. you need a program capable of uncompressing this info. (yes windows has a zip option, but its not made for compression, only grouping files) I use a free trial program of winzip a trip to google town for winzip free trial and you will have it.

once you download the files from viking, if using winzip, you must extract the documents inside. once extracted, you can trash the zipped file, and use the extracted files.

your x button is not working because your controller needs to be programed for the first time. it is normal.

after extraction of the files as discribed above, click the option in the hidbootloader to "allow word configuration" and program the halo file into the controller. this will clear up all your problems

modded matt

Active Member
Re: driver problems

I wish I could track your ip because you sound just like the last guy. if its broke, open a ticket, if you sent it in for repair and it came back and is still not working its you. user error. viking has great customer support. what do you think the 100 active members are all joined together to rob you?
one of the buttons which dont work is X, I can t remeber the other one. this is normal. REPROGRAM the controller. read the read me file


nothing works i still cant do anything i have winrar and nothing works plus i have that net thing and i still cant do it :x


i cant press that button beacuse it wont read my device i dont get it :shock:


Re: driver problems

If you have the pnc mod, the A and the right thumbstick don't work when the pnc cable is plugged int.


Active Member
Just so everyone knows WinRAR is a free program..... I know that after a couple times of using it, they will ask if you want to buy the software but all you have to do is hit cancel and your still able to use there software. WinRAR was built because they didnt like how .zip was charging people to use there software so that is how WinRAR got started. Now WinRAR does ask if you would like to buy there software but they do not make you buy just to use it......