Internal setup of the new controller?

The RPG Sniper

New Member
Thinking about picking up the new viking controller, just wondering if anyone has taken it apart yet?

Basically i just want to know if doing stuff like replacing analog sticks, buttons, etc would be overly difficult? Im sure that there are a fairly large number of wires running everywhere that im thinking might make taking the front half of the shell off difficult (especially the front mounted tac switches). Any info or would be greatly appreciated, I find myself wearing out sticks and buttons too often. Dont really want to buy this controller and have no good way of fixing it.


Just FYI opening your controller will void your warranty so you might want to wait until it expires before you start opening it up. You can change out the button/sticks but I've heard it is already pretty crowded inside the controller with all the wires. Fredrow has managed to put an XMC light board inside the controllers as well so there must be some room in there. Although after talking with him it sounded like it's a bitch to open and close and move stuff around inside the controller.

Here is his website,, maybe you can ask him a few questions.


I would highly advise against dismantling this controller. There are 4 wires connected to the front shell and 8 to the back. Unless you are very confident with a soldering iron and are extremely careful you shouldn't have a problem however I would advise you to contact someone who has carried out installs before to help you out (Fredrow if your in the US or me if your in the UK!)


Active Member
Remmnever said:
Just FYI opening your controller will void your warranty so you might want to wait until it expires before you start opening it up. You can change out the button/sticks but I've heard it is already pretty crowded inside the controller with all the wires. Fredrow has managed to put an XMC light board inside the controllers as well so there must be some room in there. Although after talking with him it sounded like it's a complain to open and close and move stuff around inside the controller.

Here is his website,, maybe you can ask him a few questions.
its XCM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............. also i heard that a good portion of the chip is a flex board

The RPG Sniper

New Member
yeah im aware it will void the warranty and all that stuff, I wouldnt dream of opening it up if i still had the warranty haha. Im pretty good with a soldering iron so i dont think that would be an issue. I guess all im really worried about is having my analog sticks wear out in the future and not being able to fix them.

modded matt

Active Member
there are two boards, one is a flex bord that takes the place of the leds, it has two wires that connect it to the main chip, which is a clip design, and is pressed onto the main chip on the controller.

the wires ben mentioned 4 conecting the top half and eitght conecting the bottom half are all tact button wires. simple enough to fix if a problem arises.

opening the controller will void the waranty, but its safer to open this one than it ever was to open the old viking.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
If you guys absolutely have to open the controller please open carefully and do not tug hard on the wires! There are wires connecting the tac switch to the press-on 'solderless' clip. If you pull far enough without looking, you'll pull the solderless clip right off the CPU which when done incorrectly will damage or destroy the pins on the CPU on the circuit board.

Same goes when you press the clip onto the CPU of the circuit board - if you don't press it on the right way, you will bend/damage the pins on the CPU and your controller becomes a big shorted-out mess.

Out of our first 80 pre-ordered controllers, we ended up damaging or destorying 15 CPU's on circuit boards because we did not train our employees properly on the clip install (basically we were so busy we just handed out a pile of clips and said 'go nuts'). Believe it or not, the solderless clip press-on is the most delicate part of the whole install. It's alld ownhill after that.

So if you can keep from knocking the solderless clip off the CPU when you open the shell, you should be able to navigate around inside your controller.