Intervention Mod


New Member
I've been testing the Intervention a lot with my Odin's Raven. I'll start by saying that most options work spectacular. I was going to try jitter for the y,y between shots but that didn't seem to work as planned. I might submit something to the Beta Test Cave for No-Scoping, perhaps 50SPS on the Left Trigger and Y button, so you're getting smaller crosshairs and the Y,Y trick comes into play.. but maybe that won't work. Anyways, getting to the subject.. this is what I find best for the intervention quick scoping:

Mode 1 - Sniper Mode
Mode 2 - Perfect Quick-Scope

Intervention FMJ (Extended Mags in Hardcore)
Striker Extended Mags

Sleight of Hand Pro
Stopping Power (Lightweight in Hardcore)
Ninja Pro (Steady Aim if you're bad :D)

Anyways, it's pretty obvious but it works tremendous.. has anyone else tried it?


I find there is no point in a sniper rile on hardcore. I usually use either FAL or even the UMP with athermal. They are both one-hit kills across the map on hardcore.


New Member
I don't play hardcore much anymore, just making suggestions for changes. But yeah, this is an obvious thread but I hope it encourages people to try it.

DsM MoNeyBaGz

New Member
hey how do u get the perfect no scope mod? i downloaded the customization editor on the downloads page but still no perfect no scope mode