

New Member
Wanted to stop through and say hello. I am a casual gamer, and am not very good at mw3 (I was really good at COD4) but I am in my 30's now with 2 kids and don't have the time to practice like I did. So I am looking for an edge to stop getting killed so fast. I have bought other rapid fire controllers before and am consistently disappointed. For the price tag I believe this should be head and shoulders above the rest. So any tips on macros to load for MW3? Thanks for any tips!!


ModdingBros Leader
Im not sure if you have ever used the rapid fire that I have made and put on the library. Personally I think it is awesome and it might give you that edge over people that you want. Sadly a lot of the mods that used to work in previous Cods dont work in this one so we are pretty limited. There is also the Quick knife/ Quick riot-shield made by Jets and the Shotgun jitter for the KSG1.


New Member
Thanks I will have to check them out. Any other games (out now or up coming) you would recommend to use the controller with?
Black ops or mw2 if your into older games, i only play those 2 anyway as mw3 isn't my type of game, owned it for 8days and sold it for many reasons, 1 being that i kept getting shot from behind or the other thing that i really hate and thats when the enemy kills me and a team mate kills the guy literally instantly after. Also yeah the macro is definetly worth the money it won't dissapoint at all.


ModdingBros Leader
Totally agree with zealander. Alot of action games like the ones that use combos work great with this kind of controller.


i have super street fighter and the old one pretty good for special moves also mortal combat fighting games gta,basically every game that has combos gliches you need to perfect. games like ufc wwe games this controller can do so munch i really dont know why this isnt the only modded controller around .


New Member
So my controller comes Saturday anyone want to add me to their clan? I am a MW3 elite premier member so look me up GT: Phetamine 2CB I never joined a clan before so your clan will get 500 extra clan points for adding me. Thanks!!