Is there a difference?


New Member
Is there a difference between turbo chips that allows one to go faster then the other if they are both adjustable? People make lots of videos on which one is faster but isn't it based on the games capspeed for it? What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Anyone who claims one mod is faster than another one is usually just trying to convince you to buy their mod. There's no science behind these claims.

The only exception that I know of up to this point is COD:WAW. There is a special rapidfire code that some of the cheaper mods (read: E-Bay $59 mods) do not have. There's a special trick thrown into that special code that allows the controller to shoot faster than the limited that the makers of COD:WAW put into their video game..

Other than COD:WAW I don't know of any games that require any kind of 'special' rapidfire code to get the max speed. So *usually* the fastest speed is determined by the video game, any caps the developers put on, and your game connection/lag. Adjustable controllers make it easier to tune into just the perfect speed and/or bump your speed up or down depending on how bad lag is affecting the smoothness of your firing.

Some people claim Viking is the fastest on youtube and I'm not going to correct them :) but I would have to say that a well-designed rapidfire controller should be able to match the speed of the Viking and vice-versa. (Of course when it comes down to special glitch rapidfiring like 'Jitter mod' the answer to your question is a little bit different, my whole post here really just deals with 'straight up' rapidfire).

So anyway, if all you want is right-trigger rapidfire, I wouldn't spend any more than double digits ($99). In fact you might do just as well to buy a cheap-o mod off E-Bay in the $50 range. If you want some of the other glitches and customizability, you might look at some of the controllers on the market up in the triple digits ($100+). Do your research before buying. You're free to ask about other modded controllers here, but be warned, we have a lot of fans here that are just going to tell you they like Viking the best :lol: . But I do encourage our customers to give honest opinions about other mod shops controllers, since right now we are only selling the expensive macro controller, not everybody has god that kind of dough to throw at a controller! - so doesn't hurt if peeps can help give other recommendations.

Now that I that I think of it, we are selling Tyr's Hand on a limited basis again. Basically we're not advertising it except with a link tied to our YouTube video of the Tyr's Hand in action.


Active Member
Odingalt has got it right there.

For Cod WAW, viking360 is for me the only way to go. Every person has a different connection. Based on this, the game interprets rapid-fire. Some people get locked up on different speeds. I prefer a really fast speed on WAW, and most people get locked up on it. However, I don't! With the viking, you can find the perfect speed for you, or just use the macros in the library. I believe there are 3 for WAW. One will be perfect for your connection, or you can speed / slow it down.

At any rate, the Tyr's Hand is the best $99 modded controller out there.

The Viking360 Macro Controller is the best modded controller out there.

If you are just looking for rapid-fire, get the Tyr's hand.

If you want full customization and mods for any game, get the macro controller