jitter help


ModdingBros Representative
Can u post a video of this silent jitter u speak of? I've never heard of a silent jitter in MW2. I know about final kill cam silent jitter shots but not actuall silent jitter shots in game play. As for the RT Y jitter are u wanting this so u can aim and jitter shot at the same time? I know the RT, Y method will give u a cleaner aimed in shot when u jitter fire but its still kicks your LT aim in and out making it really not that accurate but i guess more accurate than XYY method. I can make u one but its not going to fire very fast like the XYY method.


ModdingBros Representative
I watched a youtube video of manymods and they used their XYY method. I made a new XYY I just added to my folder thats just as fast as manymods if not faster. Also they shoot all their videos in private match. Online is completly different. I test all my macros in online play. I guarentee their mods wont work as good online as they do in private match. Their are many silent patches in MW2 online that nerf RF, jitters, turbo knifes ect. The mods run completly different online. I would love to see many mods back their claim as the fastest MW2 controller by showing actual online gameplay. Private match videos exspecially recorded gamplay footage is totally inamisable to how the mods actually work. Recorded playback dosent show any recoil of the weapon whatsoever and the gameplay speed is not the same. Private matches dont justify mods ether. Online is a totally different result when it comes into mods. Just try the new jitter out I made and I know mines just as fast if not faster and it comfirmed to work online.
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ModdingBros Representative
Its in my media folder or u can find it in the MW2 new jitter thread. Its the jitter macros at the bottom of pg#1.


ModdingBros Representative
MW2 insane jitter.

Ok I can offically say these jitters are as fast if not faster than manymods jitter. They use a 20 to 33 XYY sps jitter. I dont know how to translate specific sps on the macro editor but I belive I just found the sweet spot. So here it is


  • MW2 anti-recoil jitter RT version.vkm
    592 bytes · Views: 16
  • MW2 anti-recoil jitter tac version.vkm
    592 bytes · Views: 3
  • MW2 insane jitter RT.vkm
    544 bytes · Views: 37
  • MW2 insane jitter tac.vkm
    560 bytes · Views: 9


do those work for shotguns on mw2 or just the burst fire guns? lol youll have to forgive me, ive been on a Remington jitter spree on blop2 haha


ModdingBros Representative
Yes shotguns assult riffles any weapons that can jitter in MW2. Its actually pretty reliable when u aim and fire with the burst riffles as well. I got it kickin bullets out at max speed. It matches any jitter videos ive seen on youtube and that includes manymods. I also beat the turbo knife patch online. There is now working tubo knife & riot meele again in MW2. Here is a tip. If u assign the turbo knifes to your regular melee button erase the leds in the macro. certain weapons can knife faster than others like the striker for Ex. The leds are mainly for a tac version so they can be held down for repeditive knifing. Just remember your meele has to finish its run before u can meele again. Once u get the timming down u can really own.
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