

Well-Known Member
Use dexterity on these! This is updated and tested with no reload problems for me! Tell me some feed back please! If having problems with first shot let me know! I also used brian's hammer glitch LS macro and that might of helped! Try it first without if you don't use it!


  • JitterBugSlow.vkm
    592 bytes · Views: 88
  • JitterBugMed..vkm
    592 bytes · Views: 239
  • JitterBugFast.vkm
    592 bytes · Views: 264
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Well-Known Member
Just went 25-2 with the med. jitter lol! Had no problems! Give me some feedback and tell me if this is working for everyone!


ModdingBros Representative
Works real good. These ones dont seem to suffer so much on the reload issuse when u get close to enemys. It will still reload from time to time but what i do is let off the RT then press it again. Sometimes that helps it kick back on. The Jitterbug fast is a little too fast on my connection. I just timmed it down to .70 and it stoped it from firing a couple ghost bullets. Its a good macro its not to complex and runs pretty smooth.


Well-Known Member
found the problem! when you move side to side with left stick it will tend to reload on you because it needs the forward motion to work.... always keep forward movement and will work all the time....I'll try to figure something out after work! getting close know!


ModdingBros Representative
Yea I like to strafe when i jitter and I noticed it does it sometimes if you pull hard to the left or right but it seems to work as long as u keep a forward movement. Ive even noticed u can still hold back all the way and it will still jitter but your guy will just stand still. Im pretty happy and content where my jitters are and Im happy with your jitterbug jitters as well. I really dont think there will ever be a hard fix where it wont reload glitch when your around a whole buch of enemys up close. Ya most of the time it will still jitter but there will always be times were it will bug out. I think its the system lagging when your to close to someone.


Well-Known Member
These are updated new ones that should fix reload problems! Give them a try and let me know if they work for you!


Active Member
I haven't played a lot of black ops II in a while... but I think I finally have time this weekend. I said before I was gonna try some jitters and I just might. I played about 2 online matches last weekend just with the FAL for fun. I was using a faster Rapid-Fire that usually gets slowed down--as in it skips or whatever--but it did not skip for me at all. I may be testing out some faster rapid-fires this weekend too if I have time/motivation :p


Well-Known Member
That's correct! I was playing last night it was working great til the lag got me and started acting up a little! Give a try you might be on the good side of the lag!


ModdingBros Representative
I like your new update. I tried some things like that with little sucess. Your macro works a lot better but it still does it from time to time. Honestly i dont even use jitter anymore. Its ether to slow or not reliable enough. basically I dont really play blops 2 anymore. Ive been liking MW2 & MW3 laitley. I just cant stand how the new games are. Everyone rolls submachine guns and hip fires and the submachine guns are way overpowerd. They even have assult riffle distance are are more powerful. Any little kid can have a good game. Their is no skill to the game at all.Spray and pray or clan up and cover all openings. Lame.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm using the fast jitterbug and I'm loving it. I took a video of my very first try with this mod and I went something like 8-3 or 11-3 (Can't remember), got the final kill cam and won the round.

Check our youtube channel for the video some time tomorrow afternoon (it's rendering and uploading right now but will take awhile as it's full HD)

Thanks to all of you for all of your work and creativity in bringing this new jitter mod to the community ! ! ! !


ModdingBros Representative
I have to slow the timming on the fast jitterbug so it dosent ghost fire out bullets but it just slight tweaking. If it dosent work for u just slow down the speed multipier by .10 and try it out. If it still fires ghost shots then just keep slowing down the speed multiplier in increment of .02. Great job Bonefisher u the man! U really pioneered this patch all the way through. Koidos to you!

Nice video odin looks great! Im real happy there are so many talented macro makers in the forums these days. U guys make viking what it is today, the BEST!


Sorry to be the annoying outcast but can you please create one that works with the Tac. My setup is usually a Rapid Fire on the Right Trigger with the Left Front Tac Switch to turn it On or Off and then the Back Right Tacs to be one of my Jitters. Can you make this work with Tac switches please? Thanks!


Salaminto140 try this out. I cant garentee this will work i havent tested it but try this out on tac. Its bonefishers jitterbug fast I just tweaked the RT sensitivites so hopefully u can use it on a tac. Try it out and let me know if it works for u.

wow bro what a fast response thanks i will try it out in a few minutes let me finish eating. thanks!