Just A few questions


New Member
I just bought my Odin like 5 mins ago most i have ever spent on a controller hope its worth it

1. How does it come packaged
2. Can i automatically play a game or do i have to flash it first
3. How do you all enjoy yours
4. how is the quality of the analog sticks i always seem to wear those out i didn't opt for the color change on these im just hoping that after 2-3 months they don't wear out
5. A question for the maker if i buy a different color led later on can i ship my Odin to you and you replace them you guys didnt have purple.


Active Member
-It comes in the Microsoft pacaging with bubble rap inside a snug box about the length of your hand
-it comes pre-programed with the 8 mode all in one driver
-if you want to change your LEDs you need to talk to fredrow over at east-Seattle-electronics.com
-it takes 2-3 buissnes days(I'm 95% sure)
-I have PS3 thumbsticks and I have had my Viking
for about 8-9 months now and I play for 35+ hours a week and my thumbsticks show considerable wear but that's just due to 35+ hours a week( considerable is about the ware of my xbox 360 controller I
got two weeks ago...but those thumbsticks are bad) all in all worry more about the analog part and
less about the thumbsticks they will be fine


New Member
-It comes in the Microsoft pacaging with bubble rap inside a snug box about the length of your hand
-it comes pre-programed with the 8 mode all in one driver
-if you want to change your LEDs you need to talk to fredrow over at east-Seattle-electronics.com
-it takes 2-3 buissnes days(I'm 99% sure)
-I have PS3 thumbsticks and I have had my Viking
for about 8-9 months now and I play for 35+ hours a week and my thumbsticks show considerable wear but that's just due to 35+ hours a week( considerable is about the ware of my xbox 360 controller I
got two weeks ago...but those thumbsticks are bad) all in all worry more about the analog part and
less about the thumbsticks they will be fine

he never asked how to change ur led.