Led color are off color?


New Member
I have been notice something on the leds and curious with other Macro users how are there controllers are. When I hit the start button to sync to the pc the led colors are nice and bright. They look and function great. I also pick out colors in the Vikings Macros software that is easy to to remember(on my PTSD as USAF veteran) with different games. But when I unplug the controller and power it on with the battery pack the colors are off, what it is suppose to be on the software. I have seen yellow look like orange, teal look blue or green, pink and purple are the same colors. I am wonder if I am not disconnect properly, since with usb device you must eject them before removing them? Or is this just a bug in the software? What are other people noticing with there macro controllers.


New Member
I have noticed the same thing, The yellow looks like orange or faded red. I thought it was battery related as weak batteries would fade the colors, but even with fresh batteries or a fully charged battery pack the colors still do not display correctly.


ModdingBros Representative
Its your play and charge cable. When its plugged in your controller is being feed a constant 4.7V of juice. If you took brand new top of the line batteries even litheum batteries your controller will only be feed around 4.0V of juice. The macro chip is a juice sucking beast!

Other factors are if u use microsoft rechargible battery packs or rechargible AA batteries. At full charge they will only produce 3 bars of 4 bar power. If you have brand new batteries and hit start button the white leds will be visiably white and thats at 4 bar charge. Pluge in your PNC cable and they will become even brighter due to the controller being feed the max ammount of current which is 4.7 volts. If u want your LEDs to be that bright u will just have to play with the PNC cable attached at all times. If u noticed when your batteries die down to a low 3 bar when u hit the start button the white leds will appear pink. This is due to the macro chip sucking up all the volts to power the chip. Theres probley only about 3.0V of juice being ran through the leds. When u get into 2 bar power the macro chip will bug out then shut off. Theres not enough juice to power the controller and the chip at the same time.

When battery levels demish the leds dim out and take on different tents due to the led runs multiple colors at once in just one led to make the color u pick. The colors themselves dim fast depending on the color thats being emmited. Certain colors require more juice like White, Blue and green while others dont require as much power like red & microsoft green/yellow.

Also u might notice that the player 3 led or maybe the player 4 led might have a off tent to it. It just has to do with how the power circulates through the leds. For some reason the P3 or P4 led just gets less juice than all the others. U cant have true color unless the PNC cable is connected.

There are a lot of contributing factors to why the macro leds are not always consisitant but it all falls down to how freash of batteries u are using. The freshest batteries will give u a more true color but nothing will give u true color other than having the PNC cable connected. I hope this clears up your question.


New Member
Thank you for your response, I usually use battery packs so I should also attach the play and charge cable when playing? Or just use the play and charge cable alone? Thanks again for your input.


ModdingBros Representative
Personal prefrence really. Honestly Im to busy gaming to pay attention to what color my leds are. I just use them to know what mode Im in lol. I use rechargible AA bateries and they work fine for me. I just make sure I have enough back up charged batteries to swap out when my batteries die.


Hey Guys Quick Question some people who have the macro say if the Battery is not fully charged or connected some of the leds might lag a little bit behind the others? Respond whenever you guys can thank you :)