Macro Editing..


New Member
Ive been playing around with the macro editing software and I cant seem to get the timing down for macros in Soul Calibur... Was wondering if anyone noticed an issue with timing intensive macros as well.

The macros are inconsistent. Sometimes the timing is a little off but will perform the macro correctly while at other times will seem to ignore parts of the macro.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hexenmeister, can you post one of the macros (the .vkm) you're having trouble with to this thread so I can take a look at it?


New Member
Lol I actually figured it out.. I guess the software has some bugs with the d-pad so i just used the analog stick instead; but for now my macros are working... BTW if anyone wants macros for Soul Calibur 4 ill be more than happy to try and upload them. Here are some samples


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hey if you can post versions for the d-pad where it wouldn't work let me look at that problem for you too.


New Member
Well I think the macro would've worked but the software changes what I actually edited...

In the file you'll see that the software made two unintentional changes.
1) Changed (D-pad) back to down-back
2) Added an extra down command underneath what was supposed to only be a down-back (you will have to hold and drag the second command to see it)