Macro Recording Accuracy


New Member
I was playing around with the controller the other night and wanted to test a few things regarding timing accuracy. In most applications for this controller timing is pretty essential. I loaded up Mega Man 10 and tried to record the actions required to pass the first section of the stage, odd application I admit but I was just messing around. In Mega Man there are specific timing and patterns used for enemies and each play through should be identical. What I noticed however was that the macro would lose sync with the play-through about 60 seconds in. The recoding would have the main character jump, turn around, run forward, jump then drop down. The replay would get stuck on a wall about 60 seconds after starting the replay. It would continue the same movements but each replay produced slightly different results. I tried a similar test using Halo Reach. I recorded the start of a level, aimed at the wall and fired in a pattern. The sync lose seems to be tied to analog stick input as the pattern would change with each replay. Is there a known sync limitation to the stick input? And can the macro controller differentiate between partial and full stick movement? Thanks guys. By the way I love to see a real Macro controller on the 360, I can't wait to mess around with it a little more.


Active Member
The analog sticks are not working currently for macro recording. They will be in about 10 days after another update.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I have noticed that the macro software screws up the macros when you download them which will be fixed in the next software release. However the record/playback itself will give you an idea of what you can do. Anyway that is not quite the issue in this thread, let me address the accuracy.

You aren't going to be able to record macros that are that long (sounds like you are going for minutes?) on the Viking with precision accuracy. If you are trying to run across the map for minutes on end and record series of trickjumps, it's just never going to happen. If this limitation is enough to make you want to return your Viking, open up a support ticket and we'll set you up.

Technically, the problem lies in the fact that nobody knows what the actual sampling rate of the XBOX 360 gamepad is. The playback rate of your Viking macro should be matched as close as possible to the sampling rate of the XBOX 360. But the only way to know what that sampling rate is, is to have a close friend working inside Microsoft on the XBOX 360 controller specifically.

The Viking's macro recording feature records the macros at 100Hz (100 samples per second) by default. Right now, we do not have the software set up in such a way where it will let you choose your sampling rate during recording. We do have that feature in the timeline editor. The invididual timeline editor will let you change the sampling rate anywhere from 10hZ to 1kHZ (10 samples per second to 1000 samples per second). However I'm sure you don't want to pick-and-place the little macro dots all day if you are trying to make long macros.

What's the limitation? It just depends on your application. If you are pulling off moves for MKDC, UFC, and the EA sports series, the Viking can do it. If you want to pull off small trickjumps, we can do it. If you want to pull off glitches in first person shooters, we can do it. If you want to record your character playing for minutes on end winning entire levels of video games, this isn't the controller for you.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Ok with all the customer service mumbo-jumbo that out of the way in the post above, I could try to send you a test firmware that will record and playback at a higher sampling rate if you are interested in playing around a bit more? I'm curious to see if we can make any improvements in accuracy and reproduction in your particular application.


New Member
It's all good, like I said I was just playing around to see what the controller could do. If you send me the test firmware I would love to play around with it. I see what you are saying about the sampling rate and didn’t think about that variable. It would be interesting to see if each program on the system used the same sample rate, or if there was some variance in the interpreter. Thanks again for your support.
I'm interested in this higher sampling rate. I'd like to try it out with a few of the harder platformers (N+, Super Meat Boy) to see how it works out.


New Member
If you get a copy and have some good results on a platformer please let me know. As soon as I get a copy of the higher sample rate settings I plan on running a few through the ringer myself.