I was playing around with the controller the other night and wanted to test a few things regarding timing accuracy. In most applications for this controller timing is pretty essential. I loaded up Mega Man 10 and tried to record the actions required to pass the first section of the stage, odd application I admit but I was just messing around. In Mega Man there are specific timing and patterns used for enemies and each play through should be identical. What I noticed however was that the macro would lose sync with the play-through about 60 seconds in. The recoding would have the main character jump, turn around, run forward, jump then drop down. The replay would get stuck on a wall about 60 seconds after starting the replay. It would continue the same movements but each replay produced slightly different results. I tried a similar test using Halo Reach. I recorded the start of a level, aimed at the wall and fired in a pattern. The sync lose seems to be tied to analog stick input as the pattern would change with each replay. Is there a known sync limitation to the stick input? And can the macro controller differentiate between partial and full stick movement? Thanks guys. By the way I love to see a real Macro controller on the 360, I can't wait to mess around with it a little more.