Mod Chip Problems.

o KxR Khaos o

New Member
Since day one of my controller my mod chip has not been turning on correctly 100% of the time i power on my raven. 75% Of the time the controller turns on but the mod chip doesn't. And another 25% of the time it turns on perfectly. And yes i am using fresh batteries and this happens even with my PNC cable in. Is this a hardware problem or is this normal? Or is there a way to turn on the mod chip while if it doesn't turn on the first time?


New Member
are you saying the chip doesn't turn on when you power on your controller 75% of the time, or that you cant turn the chip on at all 75% of the time.

o KxR Khaos o

New Member
Itz CHARLEY said:
are you saying the chip doesn't turn on when you power on your controller 75% of the time, or that you cant turn the chip on at all 75% of the time.
That the controller turns on like a normal controller and I can't turn on the mod chip 75% of the time. Then I have to take out the batteries and reset it, then after a few resets it functions correctly.
Edit: I played around with my controller for a bit and found out the problem. :lol: You have to hold the guide button a little longer than usual to turn on the chip with the controller :lol: