mod wont go on any mode and usb is unknown help asap

Mks x I aM MixX

New Member
wow i just got my controller back from viking from repair and they fixed one problem now i have another one... my controller goes into programming mode, then i open up my hex file add it in and it doesnt do anything.... now my controller when i try to connect it, it says usb unknown device what do i do.. im ready to tell vikving for a full refund this is junk! 2wice already have i been haveing ruff times.. and im doing everything the web says.


You'd better list exactly what you're doing, I bet they tested it befre they sent it back to you to make sure it was working perfectly this time.


Active Member
Mks x I aM MixX said:
wow i just got my controller back from viking from repair and they fixed one problem now i have another one... my controller goes into programming mode, then i open up my hex file add it in and it doesnt do anything.... now my controller when i try to connect it, it says usb unknown device what do i do.. im ready to tell vikving for a full refund this is junk! 2wice already have i been haveing ruff times.. and im doing everything the web says.

First off; how are you able to open up a pre-set (.hex file) without having your controller connected to your PC?

What model of controller do you own?

What flashing option is installed into your controller? PnC option, or 3.5mm jack option?

Mks x I aM MixX

New Member
i got it working so far fine with my presets... it was that the box on my screen needed to be strecthed out so i can see what it tells me to do for example... connected,open,reboot etc... im good tho now..


Active Member
Mks x I aM MixX said:
i got it working so far fine with my presets... it was that the box on my screen needed to be strecthed out so i can see what it tells me to do for example... connected,open,reboot etc... im good tho now..

It's always something that is trying to hold us back.......