Mode question


New Member
I don't understand how the modes work like can you have the rapid fire on with reload and sniper mode and do modes work with all guns like... You don't have to select a specific mode for guns do you or do they auto work wiith each mode


Rapidfire works with all guns, but there isn't much benifit to using it unless the gun is semi-auto. Snipermode works for all scoped guns (not acog, but thermal or sniperscope), and you must select the proper mode for fast reloads, they are categorized by gun. I asume you are talking about COD, because fast reload and snipermode are designed for COD, but there are many different rapidfire settings.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yeah, basically some of the modes, features and rapidfire work better on certain combinations of guns than others. It takes a little playing around. Also your personal preference will come into play. Some people love/hate different modes :)