New Member
Wow! Surprised We don't have a board for this yet. Game is out Tuesday April 19 2011 I actually have it now from a release party and it's amazing! Lets start getting some macros for this game!
Jonathon said:Just got the game. If some did a macro set for Scorpion or Sub-Zero that would be awesome!
Jonathon said:There's only one problem. I don't have a xbox anymore. I accidentally left it on after playing and It kinda blew up on me. Thats why I haven't been online. The only reason I bought Mortal Kombat and not a xbox was because k-mart was having this sale where you buy $120 worth of games and you get a $60 gift certificate. So I bought Mortal Kombat and Portal 2 and I got a free 60 bucks. Double Win!
jpearl81 said:here is a kung lao combo and hat toss vks. Some one please try and let me know if it works.
jpearl81 said:thanks for the guide Im gonna work on some special-combos macros for Kung lao. I like his combos because they can be executed from either side because all most all of them don't have any directional inputs involved. If we start making a lot of combo's we should all make them from a uniformed direction. Im making all of my fatalities and directional combos when im facing the right side