mw2 rapidfire nd jitter


ModdingBros Representative
Go to game specific macro chat that in the MW2 section and I have new turbo knives patch beat in and old post of fastest RF and I made the fastest MW2 jitter. Just loom under the MW2 jitter section and u will find the fastest XYY jitters around! Again game specific macro chat MW2 section white and nerdy post u will find the best macros. Try them out and reply what u think about my macros. I'm the only o e to beat the turbo knive patch onlinein 3 years. Check it out and post back!


New Member
yes i already have your jitters, they are great but i have the 22 sps and it recoils insanely. all i want is a fast consistent rapidfire that wouldnt scare me when im 1on1 with a guy. i just want something that doesnt look like my stuttering manymods.
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ModdingBros Representative
Here is a XY jitter i was messin around with. Its pretty fast just tryin different button sequences. Let me know what u think.


  • MW2 XY jitter.vkm
    544 bytes · Views: 22
Try this setup, 2 xyy jitters and the 22SPS macro. These are other peoples macro's but i just modified them. The 2 jitters are fast as


  • Jitter and RF MW2.vks
    24.8 KB · Views: 48


ModdingBros Representative
Yea I made a jitter with a little different XYY spacings and the multiplier is set to 4.68 but it fires as fast as the striker can fire without shooting extra ghost bullets. It also fires the fal at consistant blazing speeds same as the AA1 shotgun. It also has pretty good aim jitter kickback on the burst riffles. Seems to kick and fire dead center when aimed in. I know the burst assult riffles can actually be tunned to shoot faster but if u use some of the shotguns it will start to fire extra ghost buttons. Ill have to test the S12 XYY ultra jitter on the shotguns on friday and see if it dosent shoot extra ghost bullets. looks promissing though. I know that XYY spacing works excellent at 5.00 so Im sure that extra .25 might not tip it over to fireing ghost bullets. Again ill check it out friday when i get acess to a computer.


New Member
I liked the xy, I have a manymods as well as a macro (waiting to send in kinda messed up) and I tested both my manymods is 1.8seconds-2.0 and the xy is 2.1-2.3 and your xyy is 1.9-2.4
I haven't been able to get online for obvious reasons and test for silent shots but I have high hopes! :)


ModdingBros Representative
Ya natedogr u will have to dig through the mw2 forums maybe start thread from six months back and find my XYY jitter that has the speed multiplier set at 4.68 "I believe" and the XYY are not spaced as far apart. That jitter is the best / cleanest macro jitter I've made for MW2. The one I PM u was a good one but but not the best. The XY one I made I was experimenting around with trying different combinations. Its a good jitter but as far as smoothness its not very smooth, dont get me wrong fast but studders a lot. Again Friday when I get access to a computer I'll put all my best macros for this game all in one thread to clear up all the other obsolete macros. I've made so many its hard for me to keep tabs on the best ones.