Need Macro in tihs video


New Member
Need Macros use in this video :(



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Staff member
I'm watching a video of basic rapid fire. Use any rapidfire macro. Open the timeline editor, hit the gears box, and change the time multiplier to speed up or slow down the rapidfire. This is macro controller 101?


New Member
So this is what I have done so far before this thread as far as 101 is concerned

1. Tried every macro I can find for rapid fire including the ones in sets
2. Changed the fire rate for each one of the every which way
3. Recorded my own and tried to tweak them
4. Created macros from scratch

And I can tell you nothing comes close to the one in the video, as fast or as smooth

There is a sweet spot, it tough to find. Too fast or too slow, the way the trigger needs to be squeezed how much pressure etc.

The non programmable controls for gow3 have good rapid fire, some are adjustable speed as well.

I love the macro controller since I can program it every which way but it's taking time.

I finally got a perfect active reload macro, self recorded. I posted it on the forum and submitted it. It did make it in the archives

Last night did one for hammer burst not my recording but by editing an existing non working one, it works 99% of the time

But the one in the videos are really good, would love to see what's inside it :)