New Controller Model?

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
I'm just curious, when do you guys think the new model will be released? I heard anywhere from another month to only a few weeks and was wondering which it was. I know it's been talked about for a few months now (since the summer was when I first heard about it) but I'm just itching for it to come out. Almost bought the Tyr's Hand and then heard this was coming out so I'm waiting. I can't afford to spend $250 on the Macro controller right now, but from what I've been hearing about the new controller I should be able to buy this one. Will it be using the Legacy Software or will it have it's own software/use the Macro's? Will it technically be consider a Legacy model?


Active Member
It is delayed! Reason - we may include even more advanced functions - such as turbo knives!

This is simply a reason, we may not be able to include the turbo knife.

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
Oh ok. Delayed how much? Do you think it will be available by Christmas time or will it be pushed to sometime in 2012?