New Idea


New Member
You know how there is already a quick scope custom set? Well I'm thinking about a no scope custom set. You know how the intervention is more acurate if you tap Y, Y BEFORE the shot? Well how about a mode that when you press Rt, it will tap Y, Y then shoot the intervention. I think this is an awesome idea, what do you guys think?

Edit: Sorry, I'm not sure if this is in the right forum, but this is where I posted my last idea.


New Member
Not just no-scopes, if you do it before a quick scope the scope appears dead on to where the YY was accruing, and if you half scope, it's more accurate if YY is tapped before it.I don't see how it could be hard, push Rt - Y, Y, Rt. Maybe a half scope mode could be made off of this to, Rt - Y, Y, Lt, Rt and maybe another quick scope mode, Rt - Y, Y, Lt (wait), Rt. I know it sounds unnecessary but it is proven (youtube) that tapping YY before shooting an intervention comes out more accurate. Also, as another idea, I'd really love to see Rapid Fire Akimbo. I know we have it know, but maybe in Slot 1 there could be Rapid Fire Akimbo, and that way slot 2 would still be free to have fast reloads / dropshot. These are just ideas :S