PLEASE HELP!! Firmware Updater2.exe **NOT RESPONDING**

I have tried everything I can think of to do. When I try to update the bin file from the Firmware Updater2 that particular program goes into Not Responding when I hit the Add bin file button. I am completely stumped and can not find any particular thread that explains this. PLEASE HELP me ANYTIME>
Still no luck. Firmware Updater2 freezes everytime. Could it be a computer issue? I am using an Acer laptop and everything functions fine except the Updater. When I plug in my controller to the USB when in bootloader mode the Open bin file button highlights for a second when it recognizes the device. Then it eventually says Not Responding . and freezes untill i unplug my usb cable. I have an older "Thor's Hammer' controller if that makes a differance?? Please any additional info or help would be VERy appreciated. Thanks again,.. Kong


Active Member
whitekong81 said:
Still no luck. Firmware Updater2 freezes everytime. Could it be a computer issue? I am using an Acer laptop and everything functions fine except the Updater. When I plug in my controller to the USB when in bootloader mode the Open bin file button highlights for a second when it recognizes the device. Then it eventually says Not Responding . and freezes untill i unplug my usb cable. I have an older "Thor's Hammer' controller if that makes a differance?? Please any additional info or help would be VERy appreciated. Thanks again,.. Kong

Yes you are not supposed to use this program with the thors hammer, it is meant for the new macro controllers. Only use this for the thors hammer: ... .9.6.0.rar and anything found here as well: ... cy-drivers
That would explain everything. Controller works great now! Thanks again for all your help today. Very much appreciated!!