Problem with raven controler


New Member

I just have my Raven today and i have little problem. When i turn it on at the first time left trigger dosent work. I was trying everething and it fianlly work ( i dont known what i did). I've playd couple of matches mw2 and then it, i dont knownwhat happend , controller unprogramed? Now the left trriger dont work again, right tac switch dosent make "click" when i push it and when i push left thumbstick i cant run. Anywone can tell me what is wrong? Thats was i was douing: i take battery off, hold sync button ( other times right tac switch) put battery on, turn on controler, then go to HIDBootLoader load setup i make in Viking360 HEXEditor and still nothnig. Right trigger dont work, i cant run. Anywone can explain me step by step what i have to do? Please im really noob in this stuff.

Ps. I hope you can understund what i wrote becouse my eanglish as you can see is very poor. Im really sorry for that.


New Member
well no one cares about your engrish as long as its understenable.

Normally you should run the button test code but because you cant get it into bootmode just try to get the right tact to work. If you get that to work you can program it to run the button test driver.

Just keep trying to get the tact switch to click. Did you drop the controller recently? That could have damaged the viking chip or tact switch


New Member
No i did'n drop it. Every thing was ok, i was paling mw2 and then it happend. Coud You tell mi how to run the button test code? Maby im douing some thing wrong? Its really annoying i must say especially when i discover that there is QS mode. :D

Edit. Mayby i will have to send it to repair or change it to new one?? I dont won't money back controler is awesome.


I think QS is quick scope. Odingalt has it as no scope, so it would make sense the way he said it, finding out it had it and all...


New Member
QS quic scope :D I'm contact uk support couse thats where im get raven what i shoud do. But i think its my foult and im douing something wrong(but i don known what??). Any way any help well be pleaset.

Edit. Im taking this tekst from other topic but i have exacly the same :

Essentially when I try to flash my controller this is what i do/what happens:

Check "Allow Configuration Word Programming"
Open Hex File
Click "Program/Verify" and this is what comes up:

Erase Started (no status update until complete, may take several seconds)
Erase Complete
Programming Started
Programming Complete
Verify Running
Erase/Programming/Verify Failure

I've restarted my computer, re-downloaded the hex and HIDBootloader, restarted my controller etc and thats all that happens.
Why there is that Programming/Verify Failure? Im douing every thing whats in this video ... _embedded#! But at the end when im marking "Allow Configuration Word Programming" it says that rogramming/Verify Failure, and if im not marking it is "rogramming/Verify successfuly" but when im turning on controler only two upper lights on guide button are flashing and nothing happend. Any sugesstions?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Did you buy it from the US site or Ben at rapid controllers? This is a bit of a strange problem, it might be worth seeing if Ben could take a look at the install in his shop once more.