PS3 rapid fire opensource release

modded matt

Active Member
as the title states a free opensource rapid fire 4 mode system has been released for the ps3 system. this new rapid fire works on the trigger, with led indicator, also note that this code will work equally on any known sony controller version.

please look here to find the release thread: ... n.html#new
here is the development thread incase you want to learn how it was created: ... 158.0.html

First of all i would like to say a special thanks to
modded matt
who were all involved in the development of this code
and last but not least
RDC for his involvement in the development and his board scans


New Member
What does this have to do with Viking360? Are we going to start posting opensource Xbox 360 RF as well?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Well, Matt is just sharing the exciting new developments on modded controllers over at Acidmods. RDC and some others have done some research and development to explain how PS3 controllers work. I could use this new research to develop a modchip like the old purple one for PS3 (which would be a lot cheaper than my current xbox 360 macro controller) that would be hand-soldered in but would still allow something powerful like my macro software.

The question is how do I do this without being a plagiarist of the hard work of the open source guys. Matt suggested that I make my work open source as well or at least donate money to the forum or website of the developer's choice if I do ttake on a PS3 project based on their work.

Now that I've already read through the acid mods forums there's no way I can erase my own brain from having seen their R&D :D

modded matt

Active Member

there are alot of people who would love to see a PS3 version of the viking. I am mearly aiding to that push if E is intrested. We did alot of research on the ps3 controller. this is true opensource, all of the rnd, and all of the code language has been posted. Open source projects are done to keep a competitve market, another reason for opensource posting is so other developers can take the code and expand upon it to create something new (something like vikingps3)

anyone can feel free to use opensource as they feel. opensource can easily be expanded upon without legal obligations. all that is asked is that the opensource code in its CURRENT state, not be used for personal gain. If you have the knowledge to use the information provided to expand the design to cal it your own and turn a profit is up to the users concience.

so you know every button can be controlled with timing and would only need 4 wires soldered to the controller mobo (vdd, gnd, com1, com2) We are trying to get this out to the public in hopes that people will take our work and create somethiing great with it.

also, please take a look at the credits, this project was done withthe help of RDC (a senior member of x-s) hazer (a well known code author/member of viking) hyper99 (young guy learning to write code atually the author of this code) 802chives (a senior member of acidmods) myself and gerald who did the testing (I try to remain neutral)

really though irish, I think this is just a personal stab at me and acidmods, you should realy grow up and get over it. I am here to stay, just like viking is, as well as acidmods. for the record, when a new viking announcment is posted. I take the librety of posting viking updates at acidmods, hell I put it on the front page. I will not allow your dislike for me to take away from the great work that has been done. As E and I have discussed there is plenty of room for the two sites to work together. If you cant handle that, I suggest you move on.


I kept an eye on this as it developed and just wanted to congratulate you guys on finishing it!

Now I just need a PS3 to use it..


New Member
modded matt said:
really though irish, I think this is just a personal stab at me and acidmods, you should realy grow up and get over it. I am here to stay, just like viking is, as well as acidmods. for the record, when a new viking announcment is posted. I take the librety of posting viking updates at acidmods, hell I put it on the front page. I will not allow your dislike for me to take away from the great work that has been done. As E and I have discussed there is plenty of room for the two sites to work together. If you cant handle that, I suggest you move on.

You need to get over yourself big guy. If I wanted to talk crap I would have done so. Just asking a question, and now it has been answered.


I think that the opensource community would apreciate it if you could make cheap DIY kits. If you have little to no R&D to make back, you could make the bulk of your money off of the modded controllers, and sell the DIY's for a small profit. That way, people who are capable of the instal would be able to basically buy your software improvements for a smallish fee.

modded matt

Active Member
@ irish LMFAO...I can see your sarcastic attitude in your first post, even if you dont want to admit to it.

@ PS3andCOD...its not worth the time and effort. what do you think a fair price would be? If you personally need a chip, send me your address, and I would be glad to send you one if your n the US....but then the question arises....can you do the install? LOL J/k its very easy, just solder to tp points, no traces involved...none!! thats the best thing, its so easy to install.

my cost
chip...$3.00 (after shipping average)
use of my $60 programmer...???
my knowledge to write to the chip...??? priceless
shipping to you in US...$3.50

I would rather teach someone to do this for themselves, you can have a free chip, anyone else can have programing lessons. I have a tutorial on how to make a DYI programmer for under $20, I have a tut on basic use of mplab for code assembly free, I have a tut on basic use of winpic800 for actually writing to the chip. also free. i can even show you how to get free chips through microchipdirects sample program.


Well, if the DIY were to be kept under $40 for sure, preferably $30... Depends on the cost to make it. I live in Canada, I'll have to find a place to use a programmer or something, the pic it's self isn't hard to get... I am less interested int he rapidfire it's self though, I am very interested in the macro's... It sucks that I bought a PS3 when the viking is exactly what I want...

modded matt

Active Member
send me the adress, i will send it in a greeting card, without tracking....but yea, you can do it all for under $40, and that will give you 4 mods

dyi programmer $20
4 free chip samples
free software


Active Member
First off I just to say; can we all just get along.....Please..... Irish you did have a little bit of tone in your words, well it seemed like you did.....
And Double M you could have pulled back a tap on the word play back at him..... I just really hope you two get along soon. Because you both have very bright brains and that seems to be hard to find around here in these forums....hahaha...

Also Double M, I think I know what programmer you’re talking about, I built one of those for a school project last year. It was ok, I didnt built it to use it, I just needed the grade. For our ELEC classes we have to build 4 quarter long projects and that's on top of any other lab work, HW and all that good stuff.....

Also one more question to you, what's up with Gamerons???


New Member
Matt, its extremely great to see the product off all the work you guys have been putting into the ps3 rapidfire development.

Hopefully Odin can find a way to use that information to develop a ps3 rapidfire chip or sorts. It all has to start somewhere right?

Anyways, enough small talk. Congrats again on the accomplishment.

modded matt

Active Member
Fredrow said:

And Double M you could have pulled back a tap on the word play back at him.....
LOL he makes me laugh. I am alot more intelgent then he gives me credit for. I think thats where the problem is. either that or acidmods, once he accepts those two factors, there will be no problem. I have tried to complament him, and back up some of his posts, but when someone takes a jab at me be it blatent or not, I will respond. anyway....

as fro the programmer, its a simple JDM, your right, depending on the school you attend, its an entry level project. I have one and have used it, but I generally use the pickit2 package.

Fredrow said:
Also one more question to you, what's up with Gamerons???
hahah...he was an outstanding member of AM until he got hooked up with viking, then all of a sudden, he started ripping peole off and what not. he never did it at AM but it was reported to us about what was happening with him here and we banned him shortly after you guys did. This was part of my effort to clean up the BST section of AM, which I must say we have not had any scam or rip off reports in close to a year, since we implamented a new rule set.


New Member
There was no tone, it was a simple question. Dude just takes any chance to bash is all.

Off topic, I remember the transcript from that convo Odin had over at acidmods when crazy4christ got scammed. I remember one of the moderators over there saying something like Gamerroms should stay there where he belongs, and that is what he gets for trying to help out an up and coming company like viking. Kinda funny to hear he scammed more people over there, but I feel for the people that got scammed.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Of course I would be writing all of my code 100% 'from scratch'; I would be using the posts over at AcidMods as a technical reference when I hook up my own digital probe to the PS3 controller to confirm what I am looking at. I am more of a tinkerbug - their work is definitely going to get me started but I am going to want to repeat everything they did on my own and then pick up where they left off making even more improvements.

Here are two items I would definitely bring above-and-beyond what the DIY projects will probably do, wondering if there is any interest in either of these:

*Full sensitive control over buttons, joysticks and triggers (my understanding is PS3 controller is touch sensitive on ALL the buttons?). I wouldn't be sure how to begin trying to accompish this on the strange PS3 setup, would definitely require a lot of trial and error. Or is everybody just interested in the buttons and "on" or "off".
*USB upgradability? Is there still interest in this with this?

It seems like we could adapt the old purple viking chip for the PS3 controller, we would probably use the next "biggest" chip Microchip Corp has instead of using the old Viking chip, I actually was approaching the point where I was using all of the onboard FLASHROM on that little PIC. Just need something with a little more memory. Since it's easy to solder/install, we can forego spending a bunch of money on a fancy solderless clip-on, which will really help keep the costs down. And since we don't have to buy an expensive clip (which usually required high volume), we should be able to turn these out in smaller volume on an as-need basis so there's little risk to myself financially to launch this project (since I'm already balls deep in this Viking macro controller project, financially speaking).

It seems like I can just hijack a lot of my code from my existing projects, tweak the i/o functions to handle the PS3's crazy 'sampling frequency' on the buttons... and then rock n' roll. Just need to find some time to work on the project, still got 2-3 weeks of heavy work to do on the Viking macro software to get it up to a full version 1.0.


Sounds great! I wouldn't be worried about the sensitivity control onthe buttons... I've heard that too, but I can't really tell any difference betwen all the way and a little bit on the face buttons... R2 and L2 could be handy to have variable though, because for example medal of honnor airborn has you hold your breath for sniping by gently pulling on the trigger. If you cna hold it at a certain point, you can hold your breath like in call of duty indefinatly. Otherwise, it just cuts the waiver a little bit. The more you pull the trigger, the less sway in your scope, but if you pull too far you'll shoot... Kinda hard to explain, but do you get the picture?

modded matt

Active Member
we found this to be a pian when we were developing the RF. that is the only main glitch in the coding. see this is all timing based as all the buttons are on the same line, so to activate one without activating all of them it has to be a timed sequence. when you press the trigger like normal RF is fine, however due to preasure sinsitivity if you slam the trigger (you have to pull it very hard) the controller can bypass the RF timing cycle, and only fire one shot. you have to release the trigger at that point which will reset the timing cycle.


Re: PS3 rapid fire open source release

I just wanted to comment on the PS3 rapid-fire Viking discussion. This is just my opinion so don't get made ps3andcod. But I fell there is no reason for Viking to put out a chip for the PS3 unless it can do the same or more than the new viking. If you need just a plane rapid-fire get an INTENSAFIRE or check out acid mods and make your own. I just don't see there being a big enough demand right now for Viking to put out the old chip. Wait for people and the other website to start selling the code that acidmods put out then come out with a sick Viking for the PS3.


Well, actually, there should be a big demand for anything for the PS3... Even if it only has the capabilities of the raven, it would still be way way above any other PS3 chip available... There is hardly even jitter for PS3. If it could be something like half way between the raven and the viking that would be fine too... Like you could make the macro's just on the PC or something... If you could sell the old chip for PS3 right now, you'd be the most fully featured mod out there. I've seen jitter once or twice, rapidfire on all 8 buttons once, and fast reloads once... All those things are not on the same controller, and cost $200 and up each.