

New Member
I'm looking to have a new great experience by modding my own controller but I just have a two issues at the moment. One, does the kit from found my come with instructions or will I need to look somewhere else to find this out. Two, your opinion, what are the best sticks for a controller ex. xbox 360 sticks, PS3 sticks, and very few of you here may have these but I know some people with them, but evil sticks. Thanks in advance.



New Member
KILLEN said:
I'm looking to have a new great experience by modding my own controller but I just have a two issues at the moment. One, does the kit from found my come with instructions or will I need to look somewhere else to find this out. Two, your opinion, what are the best sticks for a controller ex. xbox 360 sticks, PS3 sticks, and very few of you here may have these but I know some people with them, but evil sticks. Thanks in advance.

For instructions look around in the Do it Yourself forum, they are very detailed and help alot. about the sticks, I am pretty sure Evil sticks and ps3 style are the exact same. maybe evil makes theirs with a higher percentage of chicken mcnuggets or something.


New Member
KILLEN said:
I'm looking to have a new great experience by modding my own controller but I just have a two issues at the moment. One, does the kit from found my come with instructions or will I need to look somewhere else to find this out. Two, your opinion, what are the best sticks for a controller ex. xbox 360 sticks, PS3 sticks, and very few of you here may have these but I know some people with them, but evil sticks. Thanks in advance.


I say PS3 sticks hands down. they take a little getting used to but they are overall better. You can get them from llama for pretty cheap, well worth the money IMO. You just have to use a little force to push them into the Xbox controller shell. Also here is links to the instructions. Also if you have a hard time choosing between installs, I would recommend the DUO install. I am sure other users would agree.

Llama PS3 Sticks
CG Install Instructions
CG2 Duo install Instructions
CG2 Sleeper Install Instructions


New Member
Thanks much, but Irish I've been trying to get the CG instructions and it doesn't seem to be working it gives me a download. (if that is what is supposed to happen then the download does not open properly) This is probably my mistake and I'm just doing something wrong here but if you could tell me what I'm doing wrong please tell me.



New Member
KILLEN said:
Thanks much, but Irish I've been trying to get the CG instructions and it doesn't seem to be working it gives me a download. (if that is what is supposed to happen then the download does not open properly) This is probably my mistake and I'm just doing something wrong here but if you could tell me what I'm doing wrong please tell me.

Check to make sure you have Win Rar. you should be able to open the instructions with this program.


New Member
KILLEN said:
Thanks much, but Irish I've been trying to get the CG instructions and it doesn't seem to be working it gives me a download. (if that is what is supposed to happen then the download does not open properly) This is probably my mistake and I'm just doing something wrong here but if you could tell me what I'm doing wrong please tell me.


You need winrar or another archiving program to extract them. Here is a link to Winrar 32 bit and 64 bit, both are free programs. Install the right one for your system, then right click on the instructions you downloaded and click "Extract All". This will give you a new folder with the instructions and pictures in it.

Winrar 64 Bit
Winrar 32 Bit