Quick question


New Member
Hello, to everyone. I'm very excited to see all the new macros being developed for Black ops 2. Could someone please explain the difference between default and tactical setup and how to know which your using. I've had this controller for about a year now, and still not up to speed on this tech talk. Also when will some of these new macros be added to the library? I can not get them to the file on the Viking software, for some reason only when downloaded from the library. Maybe something with winrar, don't know exactly. Any advise would be appreciated.


ModdingBros Representative
Ok to anser your question default is the stock controller settings for the game. Some people lile to change the controller settings to tactical. The only difference is on default controller settings the right stick does a meeley knife and the B button makes u duck. On tactical controller settings the right stick makes u duck and the B button makes u knife. So depending on what controller button layout u use thats what macro u will assign. So if u use default u would use the macro that says default by it. Hope that helps u out. If your not sure what setting u use go to the option menu and scroll down and it will say button layout and by that it will say default or u can swith it to tactical if u prefer.


New Member
Thanks for the quick reply and explanation Brian, how about when downloading test macros from the forum page, for some reason I can't get the macros to appear in my Viking software folder at the top right. Could you give me a detailed step, by step, explanation of how to do this. Do I have to open with winrar, and then extract to file? Sorry, I know this is probably very basic, but I just haven't grasped it yet, and I would love to try out some of these this evening?


ModdingBros Representative
Ok so what i do is click on what macro I want to download then u see the file in the bottom left corner. I click on that and it will open the macro up. Once the macro is open look at the top right corner and u will see an icion that looks like an old school hard computer disk "u know the oldschool square plastic disk" then u will click on that and u will see the name of that macro u want to save. so all u o after u click that icon is hit save. Now when u go to your macro loader to load up your macro u can go to the icon that looks like a folder and your macros u saved should be in there. Sometimes u will have to go to say RT for ex. then click the open macro icon and all your saved files will be in there. hope that kinda helps u out. I have a hard time explaining things sometimes and i have had very little sleep so i hope this makes sense to you. if u have any problems just post in the anything goes thread and title it need help then describe your problem and someone will assist u!


New Member
Ok,so here I go again trying to explain the difficulties im having with downloading macros from the forum page. I can not get the files to appear in viking software file at top right of screen, when i open it up. so therefore i have no macro to send to controller. i had this problem when i first bought the controller and NY Jet was able to walk me through it by operating through my computer. I dont know what to do and need help please. I realize the problem is me, but the controller really has no value to me if i cant operate it please help. Thanks again Brian for trying to assist me but like i said im not a techy and probably a liitle bit challenged when it comes to this stuff.


Well-Known Member
Staff member

When you are on the home page and you click the brown file folder in the upper-right hand corner, you're asking it to open a .VKS Macro Set file.

If you want to open a .VKM individual macro, there are two ways:

1.) Open up the TIMELINE editor by clicking on the filmstrip, then click the file folder to browse for .VKM. macros
2.) Hover over the button you want to assign a macro to, and pick the small grey file folder to load a .VKM macros

In other words you are browsing for VKS and when you are doing so you will not be able to see VKM files.


New Member
Thank you guys, for helping me out. Im trying it know, and remembering now, the difference between sets and individual macros. Makes sence that i had succes in loading from library now. Thanks again guys.:rolleyes: