ragnarok controller question


New Member
hi i wanna buy the ragnarok controller with programable modchip for ps3 is the cable to update the chip followed with the controller??
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xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
If you buy the programmable ps3 ragnarok it comes with the programming cable to update your controller using the ragnarok software on your pc

xKiLLa CaM

Useful Poster
No problem, I have the 360 Ragnarok which has similar software to the PS3 version so if you have any questions let me know, I should be able to answer any questions about the software but as for the controller itself, most of what you should need will be right here: http://www.vikingdigital.com/support/ps3-ragnarok

That page has tutorials, instructions, and the software download if you decide to purchase :)