Record feature


New Member
Wow just got mine today. This thing is awesome!!
Just can't figure out to to record a macros from the controller and then go back and edit. I got the make one from nothing deal down. But I need to use the record feature for some more complicated combinations. Any know?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Open a clean sheet in the macro software.

Click the round circle/square from the wheel on any tac switch. It will set up this tac switch as the record button and will show a dropdown to select another button - it's asking you which button will be the playback button.

Click computer/monitor icon to download this set to your controller.

Disconnect, pull batt's / re-insert batt's to reboot the controller.

Power up.

Should be able to click that record button and all four LED's will start flashing red, click it again to stop recording. Check your macro by tapping the playback button that you assigned - all four LED's should flash green during playback.

Take it back to your PC, boot controller in programming mode, hook it up, click the icon of a gamepad this time - it will retrieve the macros from your controller - when it's time you should be able to click on the wheel for the playback button and click the filmstrip and pop open your recorded macro for viewing and saving and editing.