Red Dead Redemption

Sgt Jax Mehoff

Useful Poster
there is a glitch for the multiplayer free roam that makes you invincible... you get killed till it gives you the option to transport, then you hit "y" to transport then you click "y" again to cancel the transport.
when you spawn you switch to a fire bottle hold "LT" to aim with it while you are still holding "LT" you hold "LB" to bring up your inventory and switch to throwing knives or tomahawk's (dont let go of "LT" or "LB" yet) while holding "LT" and "LB" and hovering over throwing knives or the tomahawk's you press "X" to roll and immediately let go of "LB" as fast as you can then really fast as soon as you let go of "LB" click down the right analog stick... do NOT let go of "LT" till you are in dead eye and holding the throwing knife or tomahawk (whichever one you picked)...

you will be in dead eye for ever and cannot be killed, but if you run out of whatever you are holding (tomahawk or throwing knife) you will turn normal again...
you can tell it worked because you will be in dead eye forever...
you cant use guns while in the glitch...
and you cant switch to anything else while in glitch, once you picked your tomahawk or throwing knife you cant switch to the other...

hope i helped :D

-- Calvin