Right stick issue


ok so i made a video on my phone showing the issue but i cant upload it, give me a little bit to figure this out

heres the video, not so good but i think it shows what im talking about

i think this clearly shows its not a clibration issue and is a lack of space/ issue with things not being where there need to be, i can also make another showing the soft A button if needed, i know all that issue is the rubber contact not being in position though, still an issue nonetheless
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Joe would you be willing to lend me the gtuner for a week? I will go through 15 or 20 controllers at the shop and take readings on all of them. The is the only scientific way I know to make any meaning out of the numbers coming out of gtuner (to measure a whole bunch of controllers and then do a statistical analysis on the results).


Joe would you be willing to lend me the gtuner for a week? I will go through 15 or 20 controllers at the shop and take readings on all of them. The is the only scientific way I know to make any meaning out of the numbers coming out of gtuner (to measure a whole bunch of controllers and then do a statistical analysis on the results).
its public software, so be my guest, im telling you though, as a former controller modder, a customer, and by process of elimination and an educated "guess" , this is not a mod chip issue or calibration issue.

but yes please look into gtuner and read some other controllers if it will help get my controller fixed. whatever it takes


thats the link to go to the dl page
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ModdingBros Representative
its public software, so be my guest, im telling you though, as a former controller modder, a customer, and by process of elimination and an educated "guess" , this is not a mod chip issue or calibration issue.

but yes please look into gtuner and read some other controllers if it will help get my controller fixed. whatever it takes


thats the link to go to the dl page

I believe he needs the actual CM USB device to run the gtuner software. If u need one E I have a old legacy CM device I could mail to u too keep. Its updated to current software. Let me know.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I have a personal policy: I don't purchase competitor's products. I am willing to make a quasi-exception here, only if someone wants to lend me one of the devices required to run Gtuner, and only for the purpose of using it to catalogue about 20 or 30 controllers at the shop to do a statistical analysis of the calibration numbers that come out of Gtuner. I'll only have it for a week or less to do the job.


ModdingBros Representative
I'll send u my CM device. Honestly u Dont have to return it back if it will somehow benefit u in terms of costomer service.

I'll try to mail it this Friday or saterday to your shop. Im in Oregon so u should get it pretty quick!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Ok I'll send you PM with shop address, yeah usually gets here in a day or two tops. Thanks! I'll be posting results here "for the cause", will give any interested parties an idea of the variation from one XBOX One to controller (if any such variation exists and how much).


oh wow lol overlooked that detail, sorry about that. i just got excited and blanked.

i think this will benefit more people than just me in the future


Well-Known Member
Staff member
joe if you are right about all this then I'll have to eat me shoe and we'll get you hooked up with replacement or refund!


joe if you are right about all this then I'll have to eat me shoe and we'll get you hooked up with replacement or refund!
im seriously about 98% positive im right man, and believe me i dont want a refund or i would have just went that route from the beginning. i loved my macro and played it everyday until it burnt out on me, i plan to do the same with this one too! (not saying i want it to burnout on me though lol)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Ok I finally watched the youtube video above. It's a wood burl or wood grain which is a chinese aftermarket shell. I imagine the hole for the joysticks on the chinese shell isn't 1:1 with original authentic microsoft shell. I would send it back in either for a refund, or to get it switched to a plain black authentic Microsoft black shell. If anyone at the company asks you a question about refund link them to my post here.