Rune creation questions

Leif Gregerson

New Member
Ok, I have several questions:

I'm trying to create a rune that will give me a left stick click for 10 seconds (I have trouble pressing with my thumb) so I tried to simply set a LS click for ten seconds. No joy. It worked previously with my 360 Viking though, what should I do differently?

Next I use Turbos quite a bit because I can't press the buttons fast enough when needed. I want to make sure I understand the speed slide properly does 1 mean it repeats one time per second two twice per ect.?

Lastly why can't I simply assign a TAC to act like another button without making a rune? I really miss that from the Viking's software.


Well-Known Member
To save from drawing a huge line for your LS click put the speed slide to .1 (quick and precise way is to highlight the number in the speed slide and type in and click outside of it so it sticks) you see the numbers change below to 1s instead of default .1s which the speed slide is on 1. Click on add button and select your LS Click. Draw your rune from 0s to 10s. Go to playback behavior located next to create button top right corner and select if you want it to play once or what you want it to do then press OK. Then press Create (I always click it twice to make sure it saves for you which you'll see a check mark come up on your screen. Then go add it to your rune pack.

I guess these turbos are like a rapid fire? Which everything thing depends on how you build it so example: when you first open the default setting the speed slide is on 1 and your making a rune for Right Trigger. Rule of Thumb is draw a 50% pulled and 50% release trigger press unless your getting into something weird. Also keep in mind when drawing for Right Trigger your rune has to be changed because the default setting is on pulled in which you'll be pulling the trigger. So when you draw it on each end of the rune click on each dot to remove the pull from the rune. So draw a rune from .1s to .2s so if you figure this up use your end of the rune which is .2s.. Don't matter where you put the slide at always take the ending number of the rune and divide by 1s. So the example would be 1s / .2s= 5 sps and if I change with the same rune on there to 2 in the speed slide then the ending of the rune would be at .1s which 1 /.1s = 10 sps (shots per second). Hope this helps kinda still waking up!


Well-Known Member
Also on your last remark...Yes that was a nice feature to have and maybe he will put that in if he can.. The Berserker has way more features than the Viking though.........