Secondary jitter options.


ModdingBros Representative
If your one of the few people that cant get the sprint jitter to work or u are looking for an alternative jitter u might want to try out these two jitters. They require fasthands perk and u must have one LB perk equipped for it to operate. There is no lag when your up close to an enemy and u can use it in the middle of sprinting as well. The downside is its considerably slower than the sprint jitter. I would rate it at 40% faster than normal remington rate of fire. I was just recently playin with these in Yeman and I destroyed everyone with 48-4. Bottom line its reliable all the time. Downside not superfast. U wont always get the drop on people. These are not new jitters. I have these in my moddingbros sticky thread on pg#1 at the bottom in my jitter file. I have a semtex version & LB version. Each one has tac or RT option and even a dropshot version of each one. The LB is better in my opinion for it dosent make a semtex sound when u use it and it frees u from having to save your RB perks. Again try them out and feel free to tell me or others what u think.


  • LB Jitter.vkm
    560 bytes · Views: 17
  • LB Jitter-Tac V.vkm
    576 bytes · Views: 4


ModdingBros Representative
I noticed the tac versions are off on the timming on online matches. They work fine in private matches but i need to adjust the settings. maybe slowing the speed multiplier to .90 might fix it. Ill test it later today. I forgot to mention that u need to use fast hands perk with thewse macros. My bad!