New Member
Hello everyone. For Christmas, I was thinking of buying a Viking controller. My clan is on Grand Theft Auto 4, where we have been fighting against many other clans who have rapid fire controllers, and I want to be able to fight back against them with a turbo of my own. I've been looking around at different websites and have been talking to different people, and they have told me that the Viking is the best (I was thinking of buying an Evil controller because of the pricing). I don't really plan on making too many macros and only plan to use the controller for GTA 4 if I buy it, and I want to make sure I'm getting my money's worth. For someone who wants to buy a controller only for the rapid fire, should I buy a Viking? I don't want to buy anything too complicated either, unless I have people out there willing to help me with it if I have any problems. I suppose all I want is some info before I decided to order. Thanks!