Skipping (tyrshand)



I just bought my mod and any mode I put it on skips on mw2. also i have a charge and play but when i put the pack in the mod wont turn on Why?


New Member
The fast mode skips on any controller from any modshop. It's part of the game. As for your 2nd problem, I have no idea.


what i meant by skipping is it only shoots about 3 per second before i got it i could shoot faster than it is


well also if you have one please tell me a good setting for the user progammable for mw2


New Member
Sorry, I don't have a Viking360 yet. On my Silentmodz controller, the speed your describing is slow mode.

Check if your on the fastest mode. The driver page might help you.


ok well also 3 round burst mode only shoots one shot and 5 round only shoots like 2 or 3 and im holding the button


New Member
TyrsHandOwner said:
ok well also 3 round burst mode only shoots one shot and 5 round only shoots like 2 or 3 and im holding the button

If its the Fal then it's because it has a slower rate of fire then the other semi autos. They should make a special burst for it.


Useful Poster
Go to the download drivers page and click on tyrs hand walk through video. it should show you all you need to reprogram it. also you can only program it with the tyrs had all in one popular preset

But before you try to do all that make sure you are on the right mode because if its shooting slow you might be on a gears of war or waw speed when you should be on a mw2/cod4 speed


Well-Known Member
Staff member
COD:MW2 should be mode 3. That is, the Player4 LED should have blinked 3 times. Sometimes it's hard to count the blinks.

The Player3 LED, well on that one mode 3 is actually akimbo mode. So be sure you're controller the correct 'LED'.