Someone hacked my email and se7ensins account


Useful Poster
Hey guys someone hacked my email and se7ensins account. im not really sure what to do. the email was and it didnt have any credit cards or anything on it, but he changed the password and did the same thing on se7ensins. is there anything i can really do? or do i have to make a new email?


Useful Poster
Eh doesn't bother me too much since I didn't have anything on there but is there any way to change the email on your xbl profile?
I think only if you can sign into your xbl account bro.
So if they changed the password, you'd have to wait on MS to get it together and fix your account.

But I could be wrong.


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seems i had a prepaid credit card on the account and i can give them the full digits too. :D I hope i F%$@ this guy over sooooo bad


Useful Poster
so imagine i see that you have the astro a30s. are they any good? im thinking about getting the a40s but how good do the a30s compare?
Personally bro I love them. I almost got the A40's (Plan on getting them one day) but I picked up the A30's since I could use it with my iPod, Phone and also use it for gaming.

As you might know know the A30's have more bass while the A40's have more treble and mids i think it is? Lol.

The A30's are built extremely well, Feel very sturdy and are.
I'd say the A30's are built for more for on the go stuff like iPods and such, but also being able to use as a gaming headset.
While the A40's are purely for gaming. I'd give a better comparison but since I don't own the A40's so I really can't say much.
But I can say they both are very very high quality products, I might they must be sponsored by the MLG for a reason. Hahah.
The MixAmp is really badass, I like being able to mix the voice chat with the game volume and also use it on my computer.

I can't say any faults on them bro, They work great, they look great, what else can I say, hah.

BTW: If you do get them make sure to pick up the rechargeable battery for the MixAmp, that way the only wire you gotta run is the digital cable, and just charge it up when your not using it.
Also, the digital/optical cable whatever its called they sell is really high quality, not just some cheap one. Just a heads up.


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haha its funny how the guy that hacked my account also hacked se7ensins and stickied his scamming jtag selling forum on the top of the page(only administrators can stickie)
Hahahah what a douche.

Gotta love those poor guys who never will have a womans touch so they resort to manipulating a computer.. Lmao!