The Viking


New Member
Im thinking of buying "The viking" controller. Is it better than thors hand and such because I thought they were discontinued but, when I looked on the legacy drivers page it says all 3 of the old models are still there. Anyway so, can you change the LEDS in the middle through the modding program? Also is it USB like your other controllers so I dont have to send it back in case of a patch



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Souljadat said:
Im thinking of buying "The viking" controller. Is it better than thors hand and such because I thought they were discontinued but, when I looked on the legacy drivers page it says all 3 of the old models are still there.

Well we still have about 3,000 legacy customers and it's important they still have access to the drivers :). But yes, we've retired the three legacy controllers, they are no longer for sale.

Souljadat said:
Anyway so, can you change the LEDS in the middle through the modding program?

You use the software to get everything set up first. Each "page" of settings can have a new LED color assigned. So as you scroll through up to 16 pages of settings, the LED's will change colors. You scroll through pages by assigning a page left or a page right to your tac switches. Also, you can make up macros where the LED's run through a color sequence. When the LED macro is done playing, the LED's go back to the page color.

Souljadat said:
Also is it USB like your other controllers so I dont have to send it back in case of a patch

Correct! Any new macros or software that come out in the future are posted on our website for download. You never have to send in the controller. Unless there is a hardware warranty issue. We've had a few controllers that have had to come back for repair. :oops: