Toggle on/off


New Member
How does the toggle macro on/off work. I see we assign it to a button, normally RT. How does that turn on all the macros on a given page when macro are available on several buttons.

I'm trying to save a macro from a set so I can move it to another page. I place my mouse over the button and select the save macro icon. Nothing happens. What am I missing?

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Active Member
Ah the save macro is bugged on certain windows os's.

Go to edit macro -> top right -> floppy disk icon -> click it -> saves macro.

To toggle a macro, go on tac switch -> toggle macro -> RT pick an LED color (you must).

It turns on that macro on RT when the led is on.


New Member
Thanks... The more I play with this the better I understand the functionality. So if I don't toggle on/off the RT is active all the time? I'm having trouble with the toggle being consistant with each import.. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. The led lights up but the RT isn't responding as if I have it turned on.


Active Member
Q: So if I don't toggle on/off the RT is active all the time?
A: Yes, if there is a macro on RT, then whenever you press/hold RT the macro will playback.

Q: I'm having trouble with the toggle being consistant with each import.. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. The led lights up but the RT isn't responding as if I have it turned on.

A: Show me your macro set and what page, upload it here, I'll take a look.


New Member
Thanks for the quick reply. I figured it out. I was changing a macro on the same button as the toggle was assigned. If I clear both the marco button and the toggle button and then assign the marco and the toggle in that order it seems to work.