turbo knife and reload questions with new update


New Member
Super stoked about mode #2 drop shot. This might sound like a dumb question, but how do you turn on turbo melee? Is it automatically on once I update. Also, how do you use the fast reload? Ive heard the trophy system is better maybeee?
And lastly, which is faster, using the sleight of hand perk, or using fast reload? My gut tells me using the perk will prob be faster, but just curious....


Due to the fact that I don't own a PlayStation 3 nor do I own a Ragnarok controller, the only thing I can advise you on is that the sleight of hand perk is faster than using fast reload.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The best instructions are located within the PS3 Ragnarok software itself through the help menus, so grab a copy of that software if you haven't already :). For example let me cut-and-paste the text from the help menu in the software on Turbo Melee:

(Please note, Turbo Melee glitch requires the combatant to be holding Semtex.)

Turbo Melee significantly decreases the time you have to wait between knife presses in Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3. It can also be used to decrease the wait time between Riot Shield melee attacks. Turbo Melee is compatible with both the "standard" and "tactical" button configurations.

To activate Turbo Melee, hold mod switch + hold THROW LETHAL + tap MELEE attack. The Player 3 LED will twinkle to let you know that you've activated turbo melee.

To scroll to the next Turbo Melee mod, hold mod switch + hold THROW LETHAL + hold MELEE attack and then count the blinks on the Player 3 LED. Select the Turbo Melee mode that matches your situation:

Turbo Melee Mode 1 - MW3 Turbo Knife (With or Without QuickDraw Pro Perk Enabled) and MW3 Turbo Riot Shield (With Melee Proficiency Enabled)
Turbo Melee Mode 2 - MW3 Turbo Riot Shield (Without Melee Proficiency Enabled)
Turbo Melee Mode 3 - MW2 Turbo Knife

Once you've scrolled to the desired Turbo Melee mode and activated Turbo Melee, all you need to do to perform a Melee attack is take out your knife or riot shield and then press your melee attack button. Get ready for knife attack multkill sprees! - or easier kills with the riot shield!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
The instruction sheet that comes with it wouldn't have had the instructions for all this latest stuff with the new driver update. The software usually has the latest instructions built into the help menus.


New Member
are the help menus in the customization software or the update tool. For some reason I cant seem to see a 'help' menu.


New Member
Hahahahaha....its 4:30am where I live, and I've been up drop-shotting and turbo kniving guys all night...this is beautiful!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Glad you are getting some use out of the new driver update! And thanks for testing.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hold mod switch + hold triangle, player 3 LED blinks twice. This should be the tactical button layout. And also the in-game options screen should also be set to tactical. Which mode are you having a problem with (let's try to help you with one mode at a time, please don't tell me "all the modes" because I can only help with one mod at a time :) so just pick your favorite one for starters)


New Member
hey odin, how come whenever i knifed with turbomelee enabled, i throw my grenades and switch weapons. is it supposed to do that? btw im on tactical setup


Well-Known Member
Staff member
hey odin, how come whenever i knifed with turbomelee enabled, i throw my grenades and switch weapons. is it supposed to do that? btw im on tactical setup

From the first line in the first paragraph of the instructions on Turbo Melee :)

"(Please note, Turbo Melee glitch requires the combatant to be holding Semtex.)"

Turbo Melee requires Semtex. So if you're not holding a Semtex I believe this is normal. Turbo Melee really is just an exploit of the game, you could do it without a modded controller if you get the timing down. Basically it works like this:

Arm your combatant with Semtex grenade.
Melee attack.
At the right instant, press RB to start throwing the SemTex and then...
Iimmediately press Y to cancel the SemTex toss.
Now Melee attack again.

Using this method, the two melee attacks can occur faster than if you were just to keep pressing the melee button itself.