i just got my macro controller last night but checking it out today.. i must say i was impressed when i bought a slepper back in jan of this past year... now i must say im even happier that i bought this new silver controller .. i have no idea what the max capacity this controller can do... and im still so impressed on what im doing with it now.. i have been looking at posts from people helping eachother out and having the patient to help others out in this forum>> seriously i have been looking at posts through my blackberry cause i dont have access to a comp only time to time and i have to thank everyone who has been positive in trying to help people who are gifted in making macros and noobs out..i just cant believe how you can change a page to do one thing to another.... i know its not a cheap investment... but i have to say if you do buy the cheapest one they all do the same thing and that is give you options big time options>....thank you once again to EVERYONE FROM the viking team to the people trying to help eachother out in this forum.... yes its friday... and i pounded down a few drinks.... thank you