I kept the pic up so as not to scare the folks who already owned one. And I tentatively had plans to bring back the Tyr's Hand because there are a lot of gamers on a tight budget. I was using the 'matrix' type circuit boards and Microsoft quit providing them in their new controllers. The trigger points on the matrix are 'backwards' when compared to a CG1 or a CG2. So the firmware (at the time) for the Tyr's Hand when installed in a matrix, wouldn't work when installed in a CG1 or CG2 circuit board. I tentatively was aiming for April to bring out the Tyr's Hand II, which would be the same as Tyr's Hand, except with new firmware that would work for the CG1 and CG2 board.
Instead, I had an idea, and ended up writing a firmware that would automatically detect which circuit board the chip was installed into. So, now all Tyr's Hand customers (regardless of if their controller's circuit board is a matrix, CG1 or CG2) can download and flash the same exact firmware into their controller. And so now I can use whatever circuit board I want to create a Tyr's Hand for our budget gamers. Woot! Brought it back two months early.