Tyr's Hand...


New Member
I was going to buy the Tyr's hand controller from East Seattle Electronics with the Base skin, but it didn't have all the modes. So i Was wondering, I definitley know I am going to buy a Tyr's Hand controller, but If I do, is there any other skins? Also, how much money is it extra if I bought it with the Dragon skin, if there are any left?

Thanks, Wootnezzy! :?:


New Member
Wootnezzy said:
I was going to buy the Tyr's hand controller from East Seattle Electronics with the Base skin, but it didn't have all the modes. So i Was wondering, I definitley know I am going to buy a Tyr's Hand controller, but If I do, is there any other skins? Also, how much money is it extra if I bought it with the Dragon skin, if there are any left?

Thanks, Wootnezzy! :?:

What do you mean it didn't have all the modes? It should have as many as the other Tyr's hand controllers.


New Member
he probaly means does it have same modes as thors hammer and odins ravin ....tyrs hand doesent due to not being wired up to all the wires on the controller.


New Member
No I mean when I looked at it it said it only had akimbo, 3 round burst, and 5 round burst. That's what I mean.


New Member
Well maybe, but still. It said the price of the one with the skin is about $100 and the one with out any skin is about $110. That's $10 less and its customized for the one at Est Seattle Electronics. Again, like Charley said, it might be a typo. That's what I think it is. Anyway, Ive decided to buy the Tyr's Hand with the Dragon shell. Sorry for all this chaos.


New Member
Wootnezzy said:
Well maybe, but still. It said the price of the one with the skin is about $100 and the one with out any skin is about $110. That's $10 less and its customized for the one at Est Seattle Electronics. Again, like Charley said, it might be a typo. That's what I think it is. Anyway, Ive decided to buy the Tyr's Hand with the Dragon shell. Sorry for all this chaos.

Well, you could just email Fredrow and ask him.

I'm 99.9% sure its a regular Tyr's Hand, but Fredrow could of done something stupid for some reason.


New Member
Wootnezzy said:
Well maybe, but still. It said the price of the one with the skin is about $100 and the one with out any skin is about $110. That's $10 less and its customized for the one at Est Seattle Electronics. Again, like Charley said, it might be a typo. That's what I think it is. Anyway, Ive decided to buy the Tyr's Hand with the Dragon shell. Sorry for all this chaos.
well OD did raise price on the Tyrs hand around early march.


Active Member
No typo at all... This kid was just confused and then to go on here and say that you emailed me and that I'm the one that is confussed..... Child please.....
It doesn't matter anyways because the Tyr's Hand that I had for sale, got sold about a month ago so it doesn't even matter.....

On my site that has the Tyr's Hand controller's page it states this
"Tyr's Hand Controllers

About the Tyr’s Hand, this controller is our base model. The only features this controller has right now is just rapid-fire on both triggers. We also have the Akimbo pre-set for this controller, 3-round and 5-round burst fire as well. Works on all first person shooter games."

So is that a false statement? Because last time I checked these where the features that work with the Tyr's Hand..... Also If you took the time to think about it and why you where choosing a Viking controller you would remember that these controllers ARE ABLE TO BE REPROGRAMMED BY THE USER..... It's funny how many people forget about that......

And another thing about that Tyr's Hand that I sold, it had the 3.5mm jack option in it and not the PnC option (flashing option, just had to say that because you know some dumb-ACE would say, "oh so there was no PnC port on it, how would you charge your controller???")
