I recieve my viking 360 mod chip today and started working on it.
I followed the instructions step by step on the installation pictures for a Duo with the 3.5mm jack.
I was ready to test this baby out, i press the right tactical button powered it on and the 1st and 2nd led light came on.
Opened the booloader connnected the plug on the usb port and plugged it in.
The the 1st and 2nd led light continued blincking but nothing happend, disconnected it and did the set up again but this time i inserted the plug in slowly.
With no luck i opened the controller up, checked every soldering point and OHM the cables to varify i did not have a brocken one.
I tested my usb port by inserting a flash drive, read it with no problems.
I switched the D+ and D- to see if that would make a diffrence and got no results.
So i went to the next option, i removed the 3.5mm jack and went for the PNC installation.
I severed the two traces indicated on the installation pictures, soldered the D+ and D- in the location shown on the pictures.
So i was done with the PNC installation and was ready to give it a shot. I opened the bootloader plugged my usb charger to my pc.
Pressed the tactical button, powered my controller and the 1st and 2nd leds are the only ones blinking.
Plugged the charger on the controller the controller shut off like it was suppose too but my pc is not detecting it.
Can i trouble shoot the mod by leaving the "Ground, Power, Tactical switches and D+ and D- connected?