What I've been up to laity!


ModdingBros Representative

So I've been out of the forums laity as I've been working on some "what i consider" big projects. In the above link I have a prototype controller i built for the sole purpose of building my own mods on 12f683 chips. Right now I can rock 5 chips at once while im using a hex program to make my own mods by using up to 3 button combinations per chip. With the 5 chips I have installed I can cover almost every mod in the book. I already have cool stuff u can only get with a macro controller on a 12f683 chip. I even have a snaking glitch for BO LOL.

Anyways I just like sharing my projects and If anyone wants to know I will be releasing my mods as opensouse hex files for anyone who knows how to flash chips! It will probably be a couple of months away after the xbox one release as I have to test and flash to get my mods perfect. Its not like macro software where its quick and easy. This format is pain painstakingly slow. Once my library is up to my liking ill release them to the public for free!
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Man thats really cool. Sorry about interrupting your testing the other day lol.. i would love to have a few ppl get on bo and we all go around using the snake glitch it would be awesome. I am interested on what the end result will be like.


ModdingBros Representative
Hey its never a problem man. Latly if u see me online I'm more than likely programming my mods to my chips. I'd love to BO it up with u sometime. Its just right now I'm setting myself a quota to finish my library of mods. It doesn't bother me at all. Soon I will make these mods free to the public. U just have to have a pic programmer and u can download my hex files and create your personalized mods for yourself. Chips are only like a dollar so its pretty cool to know u can get top of the line mods for a dollar with self instillation. I'm making my mods like my macros. Stuff u won't see any other mod company do and giving it away for free!


Good Job So Far!!

And I agree the White and Bonfisher should get Mod status if viking moves to Xbox One.. Because both are always around to help when you need it..