Xbox 360 HDD Lighting Help/Question


So I'm new to the whole xbox modding thing (everyone has to start somewhere.. ) and have decided to mod my HDD.
The main reason I'm doing it is because my warranty has ran out on my xbox 360 and have recently got a new 360.

So i have recently brought a HDD shell from ebay to cut up and should arrive in 2 or 3 days.
All i really need is someone to check up on my wiring drawings to check they would work as I'm not too sure about the resistors.

Not too sure about what leg is which colour in the LED so that will probs need correcting

The leds i am thinking of getting are these.
The switches i am thinking of getting are these.
Can someone in the UK direct me to a place to get the correct type of resistors please.

Would it be best to put 1 resistor for each colour on eac LED= 3 resistors per LED

As is said before, i don't know what colour each pin is so i will then wire it up to the corresponding pin..

So then you do this for every LED in the circuit and have all the same colour wires going to the same switch?

Also if these drawings are wrong, can you please correct me.